This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 100)
Information request
Our reference: 187199
Dear Mr. Johnson
Thank yo...
Dear Mr Johnson
Freedom of Information Request
Please see attached the council's response to your Freedom of Information
Yours sincerel...
Mr Johnson,
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request.
Karen Tolson
Information Management Officer
Classification: PROTECT - Private and Confidential
Classification: PROTECT - Private and Confidential
Dear Mr Johnson,
Here is the remainder...
Dear Mr Johnson,
Thank you for your request for information.
Please find attached our response.
Kind Regards,
Ealing Council
Our reference: 530528
Dear Mr. Johnson
Thank you for your request for information received on 31 January 2013.
Please find attached our re...
Camden Council - Information request (FOI/EIR) - Central team
Our reference: 8265866
Dear Mr Johnson
Further to your recent FOI enquiry, please see collated from responses
highlighted in blue below.
We trust this completes...
Dear Mr Johnson
Access to Information – Commissioning for children’s and adults services
I refer to your request for information made under...
Dear Mr Johnson,
Thank you for your information request. It would seem from the questions
that you have asked that you are interested in doing...
Dear Mr Johnson,
Please find the attached letter in response to your Freedom of Information
request, I apologise for the delay in sending you th...
Dear Mr Johnson
Thank you for your information request, received on 4 April, please accept my apologies...
Dear Mr Johnson,
Reference number: FOI/RAP/04/12/4342
On 30th March 2012 we received the following request for inform...
For the attention of Will Johnson
Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information
Worcestershire County Counc...
Mr Johnson
Please find below the answer to your recent FOI request.
Regards, Jane Ward
Hello Will Johnson
Thank you for your request below, Wirral Council can provide the following
Children and Adult Services...
Please see attached letter relating to your foi request.
Nicola Clements
Legal Assistant
For Assistant Director Law Governance and Resilience...
Please find enclosed information in response to your Freedom of
Information request.
If for whatever reason you are unhappy with the response pl...
Further to your recent FOI request please find the information you
requested below:
Please could you provide the following details of your socia...
Dear Mr Johnson,
Please find attached the response to the above FOI request from Falkirk
Noreen Duthie
Support S...
Ref: FOI 3969
Dear Mr Johnson
I am writing in response to your request for information below.
As I understand it you are seeking to know:
1) Do you...
Dear Mr Johnson,
Please see attached letter in respect of your recent Freedom of
Information request.
Please contact me if you have any further qu...
Dear Mr Johnson,
In reference to my last email, the contract expiry date for the IT system
is the 8th February 2015.
If you require any further in...
Please see attached.
[FOI #111956 email]
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - 20120329004 - Will Johnson
Dear Sir,
I refer to y...
Dear colleague
Please find attached the official response to your Freedom of Information
Request made to the City Council on 10 April 2012 .
This person's annotations
None made.