Freedom of Information requests made by this person
This person has made no Freedom of Information requests using this site.
This person's 17 annotations
Since posting it's been brought to my attention that RBL used to take this sort of thing on, so it's worth contacting them to see what help is still av...
In my view the MoD have interpreted this request wrongly. By redirecting they have treated the request not as FoI but as DPA when they should be making...
I'll send a private message to you so as not to give them a heads up :)
Those @DefenceHQ cost arguments of £600 never come with the calculation of cost that would provide assistance with refinement. Despite being duty bound...
Alvin, I agree with all your points.
It is my contention that combat induced PTSD is a physical disability and not a psychological disorder. The prob...
Correction. The MoD DO NOT WANT anyone to have a full and true picture of the data.
Deliberately poor and obstructive MoD FOI Team responses demonstrate how the MoD DO NOT take "Mental Health" seriously and show the extent to the MoD w...
I am a Falklands War veteran with first hand experience of combat PTSD it's effects and the entire helpless uncoordinated system willfully avoiding the...
Additionally, there was no imagery of combat trauma or a full and detailed explanation of combat induced PTSD covered at any time during my training, n...
Vexatious is a label given by the MoD when someone doesn't take no for an answer because there is merit in their argument and the MoD are wo...
I was never informed during recruitment, training or at any other point during my service.
Rx:2009-08-03 from "MOD FOI Internal Reviews Team" via CIO-FO-IR @
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Sorry, but the code of conduct allows 20 days or less, not 40 days. 40 is for Subject Access
The reply you received was a cut and past from Hansard that Google found it in no time at all. The cost estimation contains no working out.
If it helps, the person who conducts FOI reviews at the MoD is meant to be Katie De Bourcier, Director of Information Exploitation (DIE). However, she,...
The MoD will string something out that they do not want to do for as long as you allow, or they think they can get away with it.
I've make enough requ...
I would challenge this on the basis that the MoD did not ask you to prove your identity by way of a birth certificate.
Even if this is not your iden...