This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 16)
Dear Tony Alice Fawcett
Case Reference 202301349
Please find attached the Council's response to your recent request for
information made u...
Dear Sir/Madam,
The Highways Team has confirmed that Rutland County Council does not hold
this information.
Kind regards,
George Bel...
Please accept this response as acknowledgement that your request has been
received by West Northamptonshire Council. You will not normally receive
Information request
Our reference: 10096196
Dear Tony Alice Fawce...
Your reference number: FOI-177-23/24
The Council has now been able to complete your request with the above
reference number. The r...
Dear Tony Alice Fawcett,
Re: Request MVRWWTV5X
I refer to your correspondence to the council and your request for the
This request is...
Dear Mr Fawcett
Reference no: Freedom of information 9956
I refer to your request dated 26th May 2023 under the Freedom of
Information Act...
Dear Mr Fawcett
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Information Request - 000989/23
With regards to your Freedom of Information request recei...
Dear Tony Alice Fawcett,
I am writing in response to your request for information, that was
received on the 10th June. Please find our Information D...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached the results of my findings for your FOI request.
Thank you
Information Requests Officer
Core Services Directorate...
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 26 May 2023 for information about roads and their numbers. Please find below City o...
Dear Mr Fawcett
REF NO:018922
I am writing to confirm that Middlesbrough Council has now...
Please see attached completed FOI, please also see attached two
spreadsheets with the information on which supports the FOI.
Kind Rega...
Dear Sir/Madam
Further to your request for access to information, please see the attached
Yours faithfully
Joanne Bate...
Dear Tony,
Please find attached the response to your request. If you have any
difficulty in accessing the information, please contact us by replyin...
Dear Tony Fawcett,
Thank you for your request for information relatin...
This person's annotations
None made.