This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 27)
23 May 2024
Case Reference: IC-297883-Y7G2
Dear T. Turner,
Please find attached our internal review response.
Yours sincerely,
31 March 2014
Case Reference Number IRQ0533241
Dear Mr Turner
I am writing further to our 6 March acknowledgement of your cor...
Ref: NIC-253013-M1J4B
Dear Tim,
Many thanks for your email, please find our full response attached.
Kind Regards,
Joanne Vause
Contact C...
With Tim's permission, I've blogged about the response to this request
Dear Mr Turner,
Re: Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: SDR 214670)
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request date...
Dear Mr Turner
Please find attached the Department of Health’s reply following your
request for an Internal Review into the above-mentioned case...
Ref: NIC-247737-T2X0S
Dear Mr Turner,
Many thanks for your recent Freedom of Information request.
We have now received a reply to this from...
Dear Mr Turner,
Thank you for your email dated 18 February 2014. This is just an email to
confirm that NHS England does not hold any information...
13th December 2013
Case Reference Number IRQ0521313
Dear Mr Turner
I am writing further to our 20 November acknowledgeme...
This internal review is more than a month overdue.
Can you provide me with a response?
Yours faithfully,
Tim Turner
Please find attached your response letter and FOI appeals notice.
Kind Regards,
Information Access Team
Surrey Police
Email: [1][email addre...
Dear Mr Turner,
Thank you for your email of the 13^th September about the recent article
in the “Daily Telegraph” on children’s homes by the Secretar...
Information not held
They refused it as vexatious, did they?
29 April 2013
Case Reference Number IRQ0492052
Dear Mr Turner
I am writing further to our 2 April acknowledgement of your req...
Thank you for emailing the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). This
is an automatic acknowledgement to tell you we have received your email
Dear Ms Cross,
Thank you for your email of 16 October regarding our response to Request
ref 3408.
Though we included the correct email add...
Dear Mr Turner,
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 18 July 2012.
You asked:
‘I would like to request the following info...
Yes - of all the possible and legitimate reasons to refuse this request, I think personal data is the most implausible.
Dear Mr Turner
Request for information: Freedom of Information request - School Meals
Reference: argyllbuteir:1151.
I refer to your reque...
Dear Tim Turner
Please see attached the reply to your internal review request.
FOI Team
Knowledge and Information Managemen...
Dear Mr. Turner
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2012050000149
I write in connection with your following request for information whi...
I have now appealed this to the ICO. And the long wait begins.
Dear Mr Turner,
I refer to your request for an internal review of the Department for
Education's handling of your FOI request 'Kettles', case referen...
Dear Mr Turner,
Please find attached HMRC's response to your review request.
Yours sincerely
Teresa Chance
FOI Policy Adviser
Central Policy
Rm 1C/2...
Politicians and officials should grow up and stop hiding information in private email accounts. However, this and the other response I have received sh...
This person's 284 annotations
Has it occurred to you that there are likely to be very low numbers of instances of harassment, precisely because the Commissioner justifiably refuses...
It's worth saying that the Information Commissioner has agreed with multiple different councils when they refuse to disclose information about empty pr...
It's worth saying that unless the Information Commissioner has already calculated the averages you have asked for, they are under no obligation to crea...
What is the public interest in publishing the names of all the individual staff? Senior officers names are already public, and only the Commissioner is...
If you were actually interested, you would have sought out the evidence rather than impotently pontificating for a very small audience.
M Boyce
2 things:
1) you asked and yet you are snide when someone literally gives you what you asked for. That's instructive.
2) if you were a ge...
I'm not saying such examples are common, but here is a decision from May 2024.
In this case, the Commissioner as a public authority rejected a reques...
M Boyce
You have repeatedly asserted that the Commissioner treats you as vexatious rather than your requests.
They didn't do so here. I know you wi...
There is no question of 'admissibility' in an internal review because it is not a court. It is simply an employee of the same organisation taking a sec...
If Boyce's contention is correct, presumably there are no examples of the Commissioner ever siding with the complainant?
How many examples...
M Boyce
1) I very much doubt it
2) What will I lose if it's true?
M Boyce
You asked me to tell you which of your observations were ill-considered and I listed them. Because you cannot counter any of the factual exam...
M Boyce
I said you make ill-considered assertions. In the past few weeks, here are some examples of what I mean:
you accused me of working for the...
I am talking about FOI applicants, their approach to making requests and their reactions to being refused. I am doing so on the public forum...
This isn't a valid request for an internal review.
The Commissioner didn't carry out a DPIA on their PR campaign because that's absolutely not what a...
I don't think there's very much of substance here.
I can't wait for the inevitable Tribunal appeal though.
Not in this context.
Here, projection is the psychological phenomenon where a person unconsciously takes emotions or traits they don't like about the...
M Boyce
I don't have any difficulty in understanding what guidance is. The purpose of my question was to find out whether you did, and now that you h...
M Boyce
Thank you. Your reply has made things much clearer because you didn't answer the question. Either you don't know what 'guidance' means, or mu...
Are you absolutely certain that you want to ask the Information Commissioner's Office what Ofcom plans to do?
If so, why?
I promise this is not sarcasm: I am genuinely interested in your answer.
What does 'guidance' mean?
Words have meanings. Guidance - even statutory guidance - is something that should be taken into account, where law is something that you have to do. S...
J Roberts
When you say that the UT "did nothing for the appellant", isn't that an understatement?
The UT did decide to set aside the FTT decision t...
Your first sentence contradicts itself:
"The law on clarifying the law comes from 'Smith v Cosworth Casting Processes Ltd [1997]', and guidance 2 sta...
The law does not provide certainty. The law itself is a fixed piece of text, but even that can be amended or repealed. And then comes the real world: t...