This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 135)
Good Afternoon,
Please find attached the response to your request for an internal review
of your Freedom of Information request submitted to Nor...
Dear Tim Thorne
Thank you for your request which has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). You requested the following inf...
Nicola Hesketh
Information Governance Manager
Our Ref: FO7102/NH/02
Please ask for: Nicola Hesketh
Direct dial: 01827 709266
E-mail: [1][...
Dear Mr Thorne,
Thank you for your email of 29th July.
We regret however that your email is not an FOI request and does not fall under the scope of t...
Dear Tim,
We write further to your email of 9^th June made under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 and your subsequent chaser email o...
Dear Mr Thorne,
Thank you for your email requesting information.
Please see the response below to your request.
The numbers p...
Dear Tim
Thank you for your email of 11th May 2021 where you requested information about the number of cremations and burials that have taken place in...
Dear Sir
Re: Freedom of Information Act request – SMFOI2021/22-049
I write further to your correspondence dated 21 May 2021, in which you
Dear Mr Thorne
Your request for information ref. SOT-102866 about cremations and burials
from 2015 to 2021.
We have now considered your re...
Our Reference: 9004
Dear Mr Thorne,
Thank you for your recent Information request. I can now offer you the
following information:
Dear Sir,
Please find attached response to your FOI request. Please note that the
total number of burials and cremations has been revised so ple...
Dear Mr Thorne
Please find attached the information requested by yourself under the
Freedom of Information Act
Please do not hesitate to c...
[Classification: NULBC UNCLASSIFIED]
Good Afternoon
In response to your request for information
Year No. of Cremations No. of Burials
2015 1615 19...
Dear Mr Thorne,
Freedom of information request Reference TWC-58576.
Please find attached your response.
Kind Regards,
Information Governance...
Our Reference: 7061
Dear Tim,
Thank you for your recent Information request. I can now offer you the following information:
Number of burials acros...
Dear Tim
Thank you for your email dated 11th May 2021 requesting information below.
Please find attached the response to your request.
If you are di...
Sue Birch
Communications, Consultation and Information Officer
Digital and Communications
Rugby Borough Council
Tel: 01788...
Dear Mr Tim Thorne
Please read attached correspondence regarding your request
Customer Services
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council
Dear Mr Thorne
Following on from your request, please see the attached information confirming the number of cremations and burials that have taken pla...
FOI Request #1050191 Response
Dear Tim Thorne
could you let me know th...
Hi Tim
Thanks for your email and apologies for any confusion caused; it appears that we were provided with the wrong dataset. The correct response sho...
Dear Mr Thorne
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) request to Wychavon District Council.
If you request relates to Public...
Dear Mr Thorne
Please find attached a response to your freedom of information request.
Clare Hamer
PA to:
Rachel Robins...
The response to your recent FOI for interments in the cemetery is as follows:
2015 Full burial 73, c/r 50
2016 “ “ 57, “ 38
2017 “ “ 45, “ 36...
Good afternoon
Lichfield District Council only keep a record of Public Health Funerals
from 2016, all cremations and burials are held either on...
This person's 34 annotations
Data received via email.
2015 263 243 506
2016 235 243 478
2017 239 243 482
2018 260 211 471
2019 250 202 452
2020 259 242 501
Response received from the council:
Dear Mr Thorne
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Requests for Internal Review
I refer to your requests f...
Response received from the council:
Dear Mr Thorne
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Requests for Internal Review
I refer to your requests f...
The council has responded by email:
Dear Mr Thorne
Requests for Information under the Freedom Of Information Act – references FOIA3513 and 3523
The council has responded by email:
Dear Mr Thorne
Requests for Information under the Freedom Of Information Act – references FOIA3513 and 3523
Unusual behaviour by the council. Ask for an Internal Review and take to the ICO if necessary.
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
Much of this information was found in the annual statement of accounts after a lengthy search. The only information not available in the accounts was t...
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
The allowances for 2013/14 have not been published and the council has not apprised when the allowances will be published.
No reply received to a re...
The council has published the 2012/13 allowances here:
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
No reply received to a request for an Internal Review.
The council's answer:
The Chairman reported that a public question ha...
The council has responded to this FOI request here:
This information was found in historical statements of accounts. FOI request now closed.
The council has responded to this FOI request here:
The council has responded to this FOI request here:
Closed. Marked as refused.