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Printed from on February 08, 2025 09:58
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
'Agreement to support mental health care and free up police time'
Published 26 July 2023
Agreement to support mental health care and free up police time
Published 26 July 2023
'The new National Partnership Agreement outlines the princi...
Dear Mr. Connolly,
Please find attached information relating to your recent FOI Request.
Many thanks,
Lucy Chapman
Information Sharing Office...
Dear Waller, Paul 8065 / Humberside Police,
Would you be able to assist my request if less information was asked for. The new request is:
1. What...
Dear Waller, Paul 8065,
Would you be able to assist my request if less information was asked for. The new request is:
1. What form of care is avail...
Dear Mr Connolly, I can confirm that your request has been transferred to Humberside Police Force today.
The Section dealing with your request is the...
This person's annotations
None made.