This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 166)
This email has been classified as: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED
Dear Ms Clearly
Please find attached the Councils response to your Freedom of Inform...
Dear The Advocacy Fund
Request reference number: DBC-0480-12
Please find attached the Council's response to your recent request for
Dear Ms Clearly
My name is Lorraine King and I have recently joined the Complaints and Freedom of Information Team.
Part of my new role is to monitor...
Dear Ms Clearly
Please accept my apologies for the severe delay in responding to this
Please find the procedures attached;
Q 1 i...
Dear Ms Clearly,
Please find below the response to your FOI Request.
I’m afraid that I have not been able to locate all the information tha...
Why do you want to know all this information from different authorities. Im very interested to know.
John Hannigan.
Dear Ms Cleary,
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act.
Please see attached response.
This e-mail is intended for the ad...
Dear Ms Clearly,
Please find attached our response to your request below.
Paula Egerton
Principal Information Governance Officer
Dear Ms Clearly,
Information Request: 02696
I write further to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 received on...
Dear Jane Clearly
Re: Request for Information - Policies & Procedures Child Adoption -
Reference Number: CHS/8UQGKN
Thank you for your request for in...
July 27, 2012
Person Dealing: Katie Hughson on behalf of Andrea Hughson
Direct Dial: 01597 827512
Dear Ms. Clearly,
Regarding your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000: Ref: foi/567/12
A The policies and procedures w...
Dear Ms Clearly
I apologise for the delay in responding to your request for information
28 May 2012, however, please find covering statemen...
Dear Ms Clearly
Further to your Freedom of Information Request, log number 495496, I am able to provide you with the following response:
A The polici...
Good morning
Thank you for your request below, apologies for the delay, Wirral
Council’s Childrens and young peoples department, can provide the...
Dear Jane,
Your request for information below has now been considered and the information is set out below:
A The policies and procedures which relat...
Dear Ms Clearly
Request for Information – RFI 4341 - Policies & Procedures/Social Services - Child Adoption
Thank you for your request for informati...
Information request
Our reference: 99099
Dear Ms. Clearly
Thank you...
Dear Jane Clearly,
Thank you for your request for information. I sincerely apologise for the
delay in responding.
We have completed the s...
Dear Sirs
Thank you for your information request dated 27^th May 2012. Your request
has been dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Inform...
Good Morning
Further to your Freedom of Information request dated 28th May, please see
attached the response from Childrens Services.
Kind Reg...
Dear Ms Clearly
Please find attached the response from North Lincolnshire Council to your
recent Freedom of Information Request.
The Information...
Dear Ms. Clearly,
The response from Rutland County Council is shown below and in the
attached documents.
A The relevant policy is our Fami...
Dear Ms Clearly,
It would appear that I have not received a response to my email of the 27th June 2012 asking for clarification to question C in your...
Dear Ms Cleary
I refer to your recent enquiry relating to the above and apologise for the
delay in replying to you.
Please find below the...
This person's annotations
None made.