This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 140)
Dear Tereza Tomanova,
Freedom of Information Request - Update (Our Ref: K/20/123)
I am writing with regard to your Freedom of Information (...
Dear Ms Tomanova,
With reference to your FOI request dated 8 March 2020, first can we apologise for the delay in providing you with our response.
Dear Tereza Tomanova,
I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request in which
you asked for the following information. I am s...
Dear Ms Tomanova
Reference: FOI-60-20
I write this email further to previous correspondence concerning the
Freedom of Information Request...
Dear Tereza Tomanova
Apologies for the delay responding.
Please accept this email as confirmation that the figures provided were for all students, no...
Dear Ms Tereza Tomanova,
Thank you for your request for information about:
Number of EU students at your University
Good morning,
Apologies for the delay in the response.
Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Informatio...
Dear Ms Tomanova
Further to your FOI request please see response below from Ulster University. The reference to QAHE relates to the University's campu...
Information Compliance Unit |Telephone: 028 909...
Dear Tereza,
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request.
Yours sincerely,
Belinda Slater
Administrator to Academic...
Dear Tereza Tomonova
Thank you for your request for information received on 8^th Marc...
Dear Tereza,
Please find attached a letter containing the outcome of the internal review that you requested together with the data that you requested...
Dear Ms Tomanova,
I write further to your request for information dated 8 March 2020. This
request has been handled by the University in accordan...
Dear Tereza Tomanova,
Many thanks for your below request under the Freedom of Information Act
(2000). Please find attached our responses to your...
[1]University of Southampton
Dear Tereza Tomanova,
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Request for information: response
Date of request: 0...
Dear Ms Tomanova
With reference to the FOI request below, and with apologies for the delay,
please find our response attached.
Unfortunately due to...
Dear Tereza Tomanova,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Information Request Ref: FOI 2056
Further to your Freedom of Information request on 8 March 2...
Freedom of Information request: 2020 -1101(19) -20076
Dear Tereza Tomanova
Thank you for your request for information .
Requested information
1) th...
Dear Tereza,
Please find the University's response to your Internal request attached.
Kind regards,
Information Governance Officer
University of Exe...
Good afternoon Tereza
As the table deleted from the email when it was sent, the figures are reflecting wrong. I can confirm the following:
Total numb...
Dear Ms Tomanova,
Freedom of Information Act Request - our reference 2020-058.
Further to your email of 8 March 2020 and your subsequent clarificat...
Dear Ms Tomanova
I refer to your recent email dated 23^rd March 2020 requesting the
following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000...
Good morning,
Please find attached a response to your request
From: Tereza Tomanova <[1][FOI #653431 email]>
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2020 at 22:26...
Dear Ms Tomanova
I refer to your recent email dated 17^th March 2020 requesting the
following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000...
Ref: UHRFI002783
Dear Tereza,
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Following your request for informati...
This person's annotations
None made.