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Printed from on October 06, 2024 02:47
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Dear Tino
Re: LBH/13932923 - Freedom of Information Request.
Thank you for this request.
As previously advised, please accept our apologies fo...
Dear Tino
Re: LBH/13937623 - Freedom of Information Request.
Thank you for your requests which we will be responding to separately.
As p...
Dear Daniel Kowalski,
Thank you for your response
Question 1 below (only) can be answered to as of date on system, as you state May 15th 2019.
Dear T Leone,
Please find attached our FOI response sent to you on 14 December.
Kindly advise if you require any further information
Dear Miranda Sheila,
Thank you for a speedy response.
Yours sincerely,
T Leone
Dear Miranda Sheila,
Thank you for putting in table format.
Yours sincerely,
T Leone
Dear Mr Leone
Re FOI Request LBH/ 10937321
Thank you for your enquiry and also thank you for confirming to me that
the information you wer...
Dear Davey Pete,
Many thanks for the speedy response .
Yours sincerely,
T Leone
This person's annotations
None made.