This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 41)
Dear Dorset Council (Freedom of Information),
I wrote a reply but that seems to have been lost in the ether!
I had some difficulty in studying and se...
Dear Freedom of Information, Dorset Council
Thank you,
My email is [email address]
or sm42@ (remove the space after the @ for that to...
Dear Stuart Morris,
Information Request – reference no. DC3106
Thank you for your information request dated 24 February 2021, which has
Dear Freedom of Information,
Thank you, that's encouraging.
I will forward the locations of the several temporary red signs still up.
I remain conce...
Dear Mr Morris,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. The answers to your
questions are as follows:
A. Which company manufact...
Dear Mr Stuart Morris,
Regarding the following Information Access Request:
What are the council's policies with regard to the retention of...
Dear Freedom of Information,
Thank you for the information.
Yours sincerely,
Stuart Morris
I am out of the office until Monday 14th August. If your enquiry is
urgent and relates to Customer Services please call 01305 251010 or email
Dear Kiya Gould,
Thank you for the information about the consultants.
I cannot believe that in formulating the Masterplan, with documentation totalli...
Dear Helen Lait,
Thank you for the information.
Many are still regretting the loss of the Portland helicopter.
Yours sincerely,
Stuart Morris
We acknowledge receipt of your request for information. This will now be
passed to the relevant area(s) of the authority and a response sent within
Dear Dorset CC,
Thank you.
It is a pity that the policy to "Keep signs, lines and street furniture to the minimum needed for safety and remove intrus...
Dear Mr Morris
Further to your email below please find attached a letter responding to
your FOI requests to Weymouth and Portland Borough Council an...
Have all recent and current developments been checked for full compliance with the approved plans?
For example the new houses at East Street, Fortunes...
Dear FOI Weymouth,
Many thanks for the links.
Yours sincerely,
Stuart Morris
Dear Mr Morris,
Thank you for your FOI request, please see our response below.
The former Underhill Junior School site is due to go on the open marke...
Dear Mr Morris,
Thank you for your FOI request, I have forwarded it on to the relevant officer within the council and we will aim to respond within 20...
Dear Mr Morris,
Thank you for your FOI request, please see our response below.
The signs referred such as 'No Excuse' are information signs and not p...
Thank you for the information. I urge DCC to have the fullest public consultation before any redevelopment plans are finalised. There is overwhelming s...
Dear Mr Morris
I am writing further to your email below. I apologise for the delay in replying.
The money from the section 106 agreement with Tesco is...
Dear FOI Weymouth,
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Stuart Morris
Dear ,
Thank you. I trust the GIS Highway layer is now fully accessible and in use by Dorset County Council.
Yours sincerely,
Stuart Morris
We acknowledge receipt of your request for information.
This will now be passed to the relevant area(s) of the authority and a
response sent within 20...
Dear Mr Morris
The report that was provided in our previous response contains all the
journey times we have analysed for the project.
If you are not...
Dear Mr Morris,
Further to my e-mail of 25 January (your reference 2012/0079380), the
Department has now had a chance to consider the material we hol...
This person's 4 annotations
The council can and should use their powers under the New Roads and Street works Act 1991. They can impose conditions on works affecting traffic e.g. t...
Rules used to forbid works
When Weymouth and Portland Borough Council had the Highway Agency there was a rule that no statutory undertakers’ works (g...
Dear Coralie,
A very belated thanks for the info you gave me via F.o.I. back on 5 October.
Do you yet have the real-time data you referred to on page...
DCC will release this information in November or December 2012.