This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 12)
Response below:
- Amount of costs awarded against the Council following an appeal, aggregated into annual totals.
£6,835 2012/13
£314,828 2013/14
- Am...
Response has been added directly into your email below
From: Stuart May [[FOI #215252 email]]
Sent: 04 June 2...
Dear Mr May
I am still awaiting your clarification about an earlier request you refer
to about planning protocols which I cannot trace. In the m...
From: Smith, Karen (Legal)
Sent: 19 May 2014 09:43
To: '[email address]'
Cc: Data Protection
Subject: Your request for information (our ref...
Dear Mr May
Please see the attached documents in response to your request.
Kind Regards
Madeline Hurrell
[email address]
Telephone - 0147...
Can you please advise whether there are any ,legal proceedings or threats of legal proceedings against the Council currently?
If so, please provide d...
outstanding Stuart well spotted.
so the person that filled this post is
1. On approx 100 k a year.
2. Is known to ********* in a business natu...
Dear Ms Thomas
Your recent response refers.
I am dissatisfied with the nature of your reply - I am not interested in whether Mr Walsh is on leave...
Dear Huw Evans,
I acknowledge receipt of your incomplete response.
In respect of Q9, the Welsh Assembly statistics do not reveal the number of dec...
Dear Mr May,
Thank you for FOI requests dated the 14^th and 18^th of February which I
have reproduced below.
With regards to salaries of C...
Dear Mr May,
We now enclose the requested information.
Yours Sincerely,
CN Jones
Head of Legal Services
Further to your e-mail request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, please find below the details you requested.
1. With reg...
This person's 4 annotations
It is interesting to note that a senior official at the Public Services Ombudsman - Director of Investigations, andrew Walsh, is an former employee of...
This lack of response is just another indication of Ceredigion's endemic failure to deal with simple issues.
Surely it is in the public interest that...
It isn't it astonishing to learn that the Leader of the poorest and poorest performing Council in Wales has claimed over £250,000-00 in allowances and...