This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 198)
In response to a stage 1 corporate complaint about this development, on 9 April 2024 the Council's Head of Development Management (Nicola Townsend) tol...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Croydon Borough Council'...
According to Mr Passman, what ‘additional information’ has now arrived was provided by the Head of Development Management which I assume means Nicola T...
13 November 2024
Case Reference: IC-332091-F8N2
Dear Stephen Whiteside,
Please find attached, the response to your Internal Review Request.
Progress Report
On 18 September 2024, I wrote to the ICO Group Manager (Alex Ganotis) as follows:
I was wondering whether this case has been alloca...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Croydon Borough Council'...
I note that according to the information released through a request under the FOIA, when self-service kiosks were installed in Croydon’s libraries in 2...
Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B
Dear Mr Whiteside,
Further to your email dated 5 June 2024, in which you requested an
Internal Review of the Council’s response to your request for...
Dear Mr Whiteside,
Further to your email dated 31 July 2024, in which you requested an
Internal Review of the Council’s response to your request for...
Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B
For those following this request, I was informed by the Information Commissioner's Office on 13 May 2024, that my complaint was now eligible for invest...
So finally it arrives, I suppose I should be grateful.
How unsurprising to see, that within the advice from ‘leading counsel’ there is no mention of...
The story so far ....
29/07/21 – Planning application 21/01619/FUL approved by Planning Committee.
The officer report to Committee includes the follo...
The only information provided in the COMBINED redacted.pdf (11.12.23) that is RELEVANT to the ‘previous applications’ (21/01208/FUL or 22/04130/FUL) is...
Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B
Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B
The disclosed information includes the following observations from the Council's 'specialist' officers:
Highways Team (11 December 2022) - "The prop...
The information provided in response to part (a) indicates that the Applicant only confirmed that they were "happy for one of the units to be M4(3) to...
Good afternoon,
Please accept my apologies for the delay with which this response finds
Herewith an attached response to the above re...
Dear Mr Whiteside,
Further to your email dated 22 April 2023, in which you requested an
Internal Review of the Council’s response to your reques...
Dear Mr Whiteside,
Further to your email dated 20 March 2023, in which you requested an
Internal Review of the Council’s response to your reques...
Dear Stephen Whiteside,
Please see attached my reply to your request for information received 27
April 2023.
Kind regards
David Hawk...
Initially, I was told that only the names of 'junior staff' had been removed.
Now I'm told that 'after careful consideration', only the details of st...
" ... with the pending discharge of conditions it was not seen appropriate to stop the work. ... ". Pending, as in SEVENTEEN MONTHS LATER !
I have...
This person's 163 annotations
In response to a stage 1 corporate complaint about this development, on 9 April 2024 the Council's Head of Development Management (Nicola Townsend) tol...
The Information Commissioner has today issued a Decision Notice giving the Council 30 calendar days to “provide a substantive response to the request i...
According to Mr Passman, what ‘additional information’ has now arrived was provided by the Head of Development Management which I assume means Nicola T...
The Information Commissioner has apparently asked the Council to respond to this request by 26 November 2024.
ICO reference: IC-342386-Z8L7
Progress Report
On 18 September 2024, I wrote to the ICO Group Manager (Alex Ganotis) as follows:
I was wondering whether this case has been alloca...
LBC Ref: FOI/10177 - Progress Report
Having submitted a complaint to the ICO on 17 October, on 23 October 2024 a CASE OFFICER wrote as follows, on be...
I note that according to the information released through a request under the FOIA, when self-service kiosks were installed in Croydon’s libraries in 2...
I was told on 9 July 2024 that the ICO had accepted the case for investigation.
Unfortunately, it still awaits allocation to a case officer. (ICO c...
The ICO have now accepting the case for investigation without an internal review, as it has already been more than 40 working days since I requested on...
The ICO have now given the Council 10 working days to respond. But in the meantime … a little ‘context’…
On 15 October 2020, Development Management’...
For those following this request, I was informed by the Information Commissioner's Office on 13 May 2024, that my complaint was now eligible for invest...
The Decision Notice on 23/03465/FUL has now been issued and the associated s106 agreement published. Schedule 3 of that agreement covers the required...
I now note that the latest Highways Response [on planning application 23/03465/FUL] includes that “This application proposes to extend the existing cro...
The Information Commissioner has contacted the Council and asked it to respond to this request by 29 May 2024.
So who is the Highway Development Control Manager and who do they report to, engineer or 'planner'?
Is this the same person who came up with the ridi...
In her response [of 9 April 2024] to a Stage 1 Complaint about the Planning Committee's consideration and decision on 23/03465/FUL, Ms Townsend states...
At 5.1, the Officer Report [“OR”] on planning application 21/01208/FUL states “Discussion with internal consultees within the Planning Service includin...
If you want an example of how Development Management put QUANTUM above all else, including public safety [and sustainability generally], this is it....
According to Regulation 14, the Council had only 20 days to refuse this request. Under Regulation 7, it/they could have informed me that the time peri...
So finally it arrives, I suppose I should be grateful.
How unsurprising to see, that within the advice from ‘leading counsel’ there is no mention of...
Following the failure to act on the Information Commissioner's Decision Notice of 28 November 2023, the Council has seemingly now also ignored a ‘final...
Following the failure to act on the Information Commissioner's Decision Notice of 1 December 2023, the Council has seemingly now also ignored a ‘final’...
The story so far ....
29/07/21 – Planning application 21/01619/FUL approved by Planning Committee.
The officer report to Committee includes the follo...
The only information provided in the COMBINED redacted.pdf (11.12.23) that is RELEVANT to the ‘previous applications’ (21/01208/FUL or 22/04130/FUL) is...
Having ignored his request of 10 November 2023 (to provide a substantive response within 10 working days), the Information Commissioner has today issue...