This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 83)
(page 3)
Dear Stephen Nicholl
I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request below which was
received by the Western Health and Social Care Tru...
Good afternoon,
Re: FOI/294/2324
Please find attached response on behalf of Mid and East Antrim Borough
Please quote the ab...
Dear Mr Nicholl,
Please see attached response from the South Eastern H&SC Trust in relation
to your request for information received on 25 Septe...
Dear Andrea Hegarty,
Thank you I can confirm that an internal review is not requirede
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Nicholl
Mr. Nicholl
Please see attached from Alistair Beggs - Director of Regional Planning
Policy and Casework Directorate, Department for Infrast...
Dear Mr Nicholl,
Please see attached response from the South Eastern H&SC Trust in relation
to your request for information received on 4 Septem...
Dear Mr Nicholl
Please see the attached letter in response to your recent request for
The Freedom Of Informati...
Our ref: FOI/1321
By Email: [FOI #1031111 email]
Dear Stephen Nicholl
Dear Mr Nicholl
Following your Freedom of Information request, received by Belfast City
Council on 6 September 2023 I am pleased to attach the c...
Dear Mr Nicholl,
Please find attached response to your e-mail of 11 September 2023.
Allan Pike
FOI Mailbox
Water Management Unit
Dear Mr Nicholl,
We refer to the above matter and write further to our acknowledgement email of 6 September 2023.
Ards and North Down Borough Council...
Hi Stephen
I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request received on 4
September 2023. Ou...
Dear Mr Nicholl
Please see the attached in response to your request for information.
The Freedom Of Information Team
FOI Team | Infor...
Dear Mr Nicholl,
Please find response to your recent information request attached.
Yours sincerely,
Helena Houston
Governance and C...
Dear Mr Nicholl
Ref: Freedom of Information Request No: IR-2023-488
Please find attached Council’s response in relation to your recent Free...
Dear Stephen Nicholl
Thank you for your information request, submitted with Mid Ulster District
Council under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (...
Please find attached response to your FOI request of 6 September.
Damian McCay
Information Management Team
The information conta...
Dear Stephen
In response to your recent freedom of information request I can advise
that the Council's annual Audited Statement of Accounts is publis...
Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request
Richard Parkinson
Rathgael House
43 Balloo Road
Dear Mr Nicholl,
I refer to the above and write further to my email of 6 September 2023.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 you have reque...
Good morning,
Re: FOI/264/2324
Please find attached response on behalf of Mid and East Antrim Borough
Please quote the abov...
Good afternoon,
Re: FOI/263/2324
Please find attached response on behalf of Mid and East Antrim Borough
Please quote the ab...
Dear Mr Nicholl,
Please find attached response to correspondence ref DAERA/23-292 received
on 21/08/2023.
Allan Pike
FOI Mailbox
Dear Mr Nicholl
Please find attached FOI response in respect of your recent request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust.
Kind regards
Janet Mc...
Good afternoon,
Re: FOI/242/2324
Please find attached response on behalf of Mid and East Antrim Borough
Please quote the ab...