This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 40)
This request was responded to within the deadline on 20th May 2013 with the following link, which provides details of all the community mental health t...
Dear Mr Mallett
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Kindest regards
Anne-Marie Field
Information Governan...
Dear Mr Mallett
Please find enclosed the Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS
Foundation Trust’s response to your recent Freedom of Informat...
Dear Stefan
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
Please find attached information.
Kind Regards
Jaina Jethwa
Information Governa...
FOI 141 13
Dear Mr Mallett
Re: Freedom of Information Request – FOI 141 13 - Locums
Further to your request for the contact deta...
Dear Mr Mallett
Further to your recent Freedom of Information request to Cheshire and
Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, I now attach the...
Dear Stefan Mallet,
Please find a letter attached with regards to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Mr Mallett,
Thank you for your request received 13/09/13. I will answer your query
Can you please provide the cont...
Good Morning
Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information Request
Kind Regards
Information Governance Administrator
Dear Mr Mallett,
Please see the attached response to your Freedom of Information Request, reference 39570.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team...
Dear Mr Mallett,
Please find attached our formal response to your request reference 13 FOI
152 under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Mr Mallett
I confirm that the following staff would be responsible for securing
temporary staffing as follows:
· Registered Menta...
This is not the answer to the FOIA request.
We do know what Community Mental Health Teams should be like and how these should be structured. Reality,...
Dear Stefan,
Please find attached.
Kind Regards,
Humaira Mahmood
Information Governance and Reco...
Dear Mr Mallett
Thank you for your request for release of information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I confirm that I am now in a position...
Dear Mr Mallett,
Our ref: FOI517/13
Please find the Trust’s response letter attached.
Kind regards,
Amy Sharp
Good Afternoon Stefan
Please see attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
May I also draw your attention to the Satis...
Dear Mr Mallett
Further to your recent Freedom of Information request, I now attach the
response from Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Founda...
Dear Mr Mallett
I am writing to confirm that the Humber NHS Foundation Trust has now
completed its search for the information which you requeste...
Dear Stefan
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information Request.
Catherine Draper
Claims Administrator
Dear Stefan Mallett,
Please find a letter attached with regards to your recent request for
information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000...
Dear Stefan
Apologies for the delay in responding to you.
Details of our services can be found on our website at
Dear Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust,
Please kindly provide me with the following information for the
period January 2012 – Decem...
Please kindly provide me with the following information for the
period January 2012 – December 2012:
The total spend on agency/temporary/locum Regis...
Dear Mr Mallett
Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request – please
confirm receipt for our files.
Sue Paul...
This person's annotations
None made.