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Printed from on September 08, 2024 14:42
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 13)
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for environmental information received
08/04/2024 concerning fencing - track and field facilities ne...
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for environmental information received
07/03/2024 concerning Active Travel - Penisadre Road. Please...
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for environmental information received
08/04/2024 concerning the marking of the pitch - Ysgol Plas B...
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for environmental information received
07/03/2024 concerning Active Travel - Costs . Please see the...
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for environmental information received
07/03/2024 concerning overview of all Active Travel Schemes....
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for environmental information received
08/04/2024 concerning the handover of track and field facilit...
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for environmental information received
07/03/2024 concerning Active Travel and the old railway bridg...
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for environmental information received
07/03/2024 concerning Active Travel Reports. These are now av...
Freedom of Information Act request
Our reference: 1382229
Your reference: [FOI #1083289 email]
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for information received
16/02/2024 concerning Blue Badges. Please see the attached response and
The last Active Travel Annual Report available on the local authority’s website is for the 2018/19 year. Can the authority clarify when the succeeding...
Dear Sophie Gwyneth
Thank you for your request for information received 16/02/2024 concerning
eligibility for a life award - blue badges. Please see...
Freedom of Information Act request
Our reference: 1186059
Your reference: [FOI #1073709 email]
This person's annotations
None made.