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Printed from on February 09, 2025 15:05
This person's Freedom of Information request
Hi Sian
Re point 3 ATOS & decisions by DMs - In my case because my ATOS assessment found me both "unfit for work" & "unlikely to work in the future"...
This person's 6 annotations
This persons questions are something I have wondered about, since a mentally-ill person, forced onto the work programme violently threatened an employ...
Any one forced to work for nothing needs to see what their rights are, please contact Boycott Workfare at they tirele...
"Thank you for your request however the tender round is still in progress. As a
consequence, at this stage the information requestered is not yet avai...
D Cook makes a good point. DHP is very hard to claim as many have been refused it. This is driving people to grinding poverty & into the hands of loan...
Dennis Skinner asked the PM if David's Coupe's widow would get an ex gracia payment when her terminally ill husband was denied benefits and found fit f...
I echo G Steel's comment's, when s/he said that there's something fishy going on, someone needs to ask the NMC:
1) if they have been approached by t...