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Printed from on February 13, 2025 19:05
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 5)
Good Afternoon Shaun
Further to our response to this request which was provided on 30th November 2022, an error has been found in the figures that wer...
Dear Shaun
I refer to our acknowledgement on 12/ 12/22 in respect of your request for
information under the provisions of the Freedom of Inf...
Dear Shaun
Further to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 that was received on 27 November 2022, the Trust’s response is as follows...
Dear Shaun King
The Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is writing to respond
to your request, F22-8260, sent 27/11/2022.
Please see...
Dear Shaun King
The Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is writing to respond
to your request, F22-8259, sent 27/11/2022.
Please see...
This person's annotations
None made.