This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 123)
Dear Mr Binnington,
Please see enclosed response to your FOIA/EIR request. We trust that we
have answered your queries, however if you have any...
Information request
Our reference: 7094033
Your reference: [FOI #1049844 email]
Dear Shaun Binnington
IR - Sexual Health Service Provider ...
This document was classified as: OFFICIAL
This document was classified as: OFFICIAL
Dear Mr Binnington
Thank you for your email received on 1...
Please find the path to the contracts register that can be cut and pasted
into your browser.
Corporate Information Governance Team
Council House, 1 Priory Road, Dudley
Tel: (01384) 815607 Fax: (01384) 815660
Email:[Dudley Metro...
Dear Shaun Binninton,
Freedom of Information Act Request Response – Ref 2127706
Cambridgeshire County Council has now considered your request under t...
Dear Mr Binnington,
Please find attached South Gloucestershire Council’s response to your
Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards,...
Dear Mr Binnington
Thank you for your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA) which we received on 15 November 2023. I can...
Dear Shaun Binnington
I am writing to confirm that the council has completed the processing of
your request for information which was received o...
Information request
Our reference: 8385798
Dear Shaun Binnington
Re: Freedom of Information Act response – ref FOI-202311000981
Dear Shaun Binnington,
Your request for information, reference number FO...
Sent on behalf of Sally Lichfield - Head of Engagement & Governance
Dear Mr Binnington
Further to your Freedom of Information request recei...
Dear Requester,
Please find attached the response to your request for information
submitted to Nottingham City Council.
Dear Shaun Binnington
Freedom of Information Act 2000, Reference: FOI-140106-2023
Please see attached for a response to your request for informati...
FOI/EIR Information request
Our reference: 27839377
Dear Shaun Bi...
Dear Shaun Binnington
Freedom of Information Request Case ID CAS-1832
Thank you for your request for information received on 16/11/2023, in
Dear Shaun Binnington
RE: Freedom of Information Request Ref No: 17531
Thank you for your recent communication, please find detailed below the
Dear Shaun Binnington
We refer to your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Your request has been considered and...
Information request
Our reference: 33814861
Dear Mr Binnington
Information request
Our reference: 3800223
Your reference: [FOI #1045876 email]
Reference: FOI-561964835
Date of request: 14/11/2023
Title of request: Integrated Sexual Health Service details
Information request:
Dear Milton K...
FOI 00284
Dear Shaun Binnington,
I am writing in response to your request for information below.
1) The name of your current sexual health serv...
Dear Shaun,
Thank you for your request dated 14^th November 2023.
The information requested is readily available within the public domain
Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for your information request, reference number NELC/29895/2324.
I can confirm that North East Lincolnshire Council ho...
Dear Shaun,
Please see attached your Freedom of Information Request.
We do apologise for our late response.
Many thanks and kind regards,...
This person's annotations
None made.