There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. Search for other users named "Shane Dunning"
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 10)
Dear Mr Shane Dunning,
1. The Central MOD FOI team are conducting an audit of our case
management system used to record requests made under the...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please see attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information
Cofion gorau | Kind regards
Dear Shane Dunning,
Thank-you for your email to the Welsh Parliament (Senedd).
The Welsh Government and the Senedd are two separate organisations and...
Dear Shane Dunning
Further to your recent request for information, please find attached a
final disclosure response.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Dunning,
Please see attached in response to your recent Freedom of Information
Workforce 1
Army Policy &...
Dear Mr Dunning,
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Navy Command Secretariat- FOI Section
Navy Command FOI Sectio...
Dear Mr Dunning
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Navy Command Secretariat- FOi Section
Navy Command FOI Section...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence.
This e-mail (and any...
Dear Mr Dunning,
Freedom of Information Request F22-427
Thank you for your request for information as copied below. You have asked
Dear Mr Dunning,
Thank you for your request for information.
While you have submitted a valid FOI request as set out in Section 8 of
the Freedom o...
This person's annotations
None made.