This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 141)
Dear Sarah Jane,
Thank you for your question. Colleges are not covered by the same
transparency rules as larger public sector organisations but we pr...
Dear Sarah Jane
Please see below table with details as requested.
Kind regards
Jennifer Pharo (she/her/hers)
Group Chief of Staff & Governa...
Thank you for your recent email.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information
held by public authorities. As Shaftesbur...
Good Afternoon.
Please find attached the requested information.
See attached.
You should normally have responded promptly and by 24 July 2024, please can this be looked into?
Yours faithfully,
Sarah Jane
Message from The Windsor Forest College Group
[1]Zivver logo
Verification code for the secure message(s) with the subject: FW:
[EXTERNAL] Freedom...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of The London College of Be...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Bromley College of Furth...
Dear Sarah Jane
Please find attached information as requested.
Julie Paterson
HR Manager
T: 748 | M: 07833 200812 | E: [email addr...
Please could you supply an up-to-date organogram (including all management) which details names, job titles and department.
Yours faithfully,
Please can you provide me with your total agency spend in the 2022/2023 academic year along with a breakdown of which agencies that have been used and...
Dear Sarah,
Apologies for the delay in sending this to you. Please find attached the College leadership organorgram with job title and departments. Pl...
Dear Coral Handley,
Further to your Freedom of Information Act request dated 2^nd November
2023, I am pleased to be able to provide most of the...
Dear Coral Handley,
Further to your Freedom of Information Act request dated 30th October
2023, I am pleased to be able to provide most of the i...
Hi Sarah Jane,
As per your request:
Please can you provide me with your total agency spend in the 2022/2023
academic year along with a breakdo...
Dear Ms Handley,
Further to your recent enquiry, we are able to disclose ‘22/23 placement
fees for permanent recruitment were £200,545 and agency sp...
Good morning,
Please find attached the staff organogram without names as requested.
If you have any further queries, then please let me know.
Kind R...
Good afternoon,
Total agency spend in the 2022/2023 academic year along with a breakdown of which agencies that have been used and how much has been s...
Dear Coral,
Further to our recent response to your Freedom of Information Request
dated 2^nd November, I am pleased to attach additional staff o...
Dear Coral
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request requesting an up to date
Organogram of Waltham Forest College.
I attach the la...
Unfortunately we are unable to respond to the request to the above
captioned email because it falls under the category of commercially
sensitive info...
Further to the request for recruitment agency and advertising spend, the
figures are shown below for 2022/23.
We can not divulge the spend against a...
Dear Coral,
Please see below response following on from your FOI. Request.
1. 2022-23 Temp/Agency Staff Expenditure
Recruitment Agency Spend
Dear Coral,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, dated 13 July 2023,
requesting details of the College’s recruitment spend per agency...
Further to the request for recruitment agency and advertising spend, the
figures are shown below for 2021/22.
We can not divulge the spend against a...
This person's annotations
None made.