This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 171)
Dear Ms Fuller
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
Yours sincerely
Marie Teasdale
Following a request from the General Dental Council we have removed a name of a specific prosecution lawyer from the last message on this thread.
Dear Sarah Fuller
Please see attached response and attachment to your FoI request.
Kind regards
Central FoI Team
Dear Ms Fuller
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 20100375
Thank you for your request for information about:
The Legal Team Struc...
Our ref: DE00000544625
14 October 2010
Dear Ms Fuller
Thank you for your email of 21 September asking, under the Freedom of
Information Act, for...
Dear Ms Fuller
Further to your email of 29 September 2010, I write with my response to your request for the following information: A copy of the 'stru...
Dear Ms Fuller,
Further to your acknowledgement email dated 16th September 2010, having
contacted the Clinical Governance Department I have been pro...
Dear Sarah,
Upon reading your 'clarification', it would appear that your request should be re-directed to UCLH (i.e. the Trust) as UCL (i.e. the Unive...
Blog post commenting on the response to this request:
Dear Ms Fuller
Thank you for your application to Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation
Trust under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find...
Dear Ms. Fuller,
Please find attached the original email containing the password required.
Kind regards,
Erin Atherton
Freedom of Information Offi...
Dear Sarah Fuller,
We have no record of your request, please re send. Thank you.
Freedom of Information Team
Dear Ms Fuller,
In response to your enquiry of 10 August 2010, please be advised that the
‘Legal Team' consists of one lawyer (in post since Oct...
Dear Ms Fuller,
Please find attached the response to your request for information received
on the 10^th August 2010.
Mrs Lisa Spar...
Dear Ms Fuller
I refer to your e-mail of 10 August 2010 in which you ask for a copy of
the structure chart for our Legal Team.
In acordance with t...
Ms. Sarah Fuller
Email: Sarah Fuller [[FOI #42539 email]]
Our Ref: NF036
3^rd Sep...
[1]Picture (Metafile)
Information Governance Office
Clinical Records-CR1
Maudsley Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 8AZ
Email: [South London...
Dear Ms Fuller,
Re: FOI Reference No: FOI/2010/091
Following your request for information that we received on 10th
August 2010, and in line with t...
Dear Ms Fuller,
Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards,
Information Team
Independent Parlia...
Dear Ms Fuller
Further to your request for information please find attached a response.
DVLA Freedom of Information Team
Driver and Vehicle...
Dear Ms Fuller
Please see attached response.
Kind regards,
HPA FOI Officer
| By E-MAIL...
Dear Sarah,
please see the attached in response to your FOI request,
(See attached file: FOI000998FULLER.pdf)
[FOI #43042 email]
Dear Ms Fuller
Thank you for your enquiry of 30 July 2010 requesting a copy of our legal team structure chart and asking how many of the legal team a...
Further to your email below, we do not have a Legal Department.
East of England LGA
Dear Ms Fuller,
Further to my email below, please find attached a letter of today's date in response to your request for information.
Yours sincerely...
This person's annotations
None made.