This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 64)
Dear Robyn
Please see attached the university's response to your Freedom of Information request.
Dear Robyn,
I am sorry that the response to this request has been delayed.
The University has not received any donations during this period for tida...
[1]Mrs Lesley Jackson Freedom of Information Co-ordinator The Foundation
Building 765 Brownlow Hill Liverpool L69 7ZX F 0151 794 3272 E
To: Robyn [[1]mailto:[FOI #288347 email]]
Dear Robyn Lock
I refer to your email of 26 August 2015 requesting information on coal and
tidal ene...
Dear Robyn
Thank you for your email requesting information about Coal and Tidal
Research. Please find the information that you have request...
Dear Robyn Lock
With reference to your FOI below, the response to all of your questions
for The Courtauld Institute of Art is zero.
Kind regards...
Dear Robyn,
I can confirm that we are now able to provide you with the outstanding
informaiton relevant to your request.
Having conducted...
8^th October 2015
Our ref: FOIA431 100915
Dear Mr Lock,
Thank you for your request for information under Section 1(1) of the
Dear Ms Lock,
I am writing in response to your recent request for information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘the Act’).
1) ...
| Office use only | |
Dear Ms Lock,
Thank you for your email dated 10^th September 2015 requesting information
about the University of Warwick. Your request is being cons...
Dear Ms Lock
Please find attached the response from the University of the West of Scotland to your recent FOI request below.
Yours sincerely
Alison De...
Catherine Smethurst
Freedom of Information Officer
Rutland Building, Loughborough University
Leics., LE11 3TU
28 Sept...
Dear Robyn Lock
Request for Information Reference: FOI151614325
Thank you for your email requesting information relating to activities at...
Dear Ms. Lock,
R.E. Freedom of Information Request: FOI-095-2015
Please find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Dear Robyn,
With reference to your Freedom of Information Act request of 27^th
September 2015, please find attached our response.
Yours sincerely...
Dear Robyn
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request, as below:
I would like to formally request the following information
Dear Robyn,
Your request for information has been considered under the requirements of...
Dear Robyn Lock,
Please see attached, the outcome of your request for information.
Kind regards
Wayne Elliott
Legal Compliance Co-Ordinator
Dear Robyn,
I have contacted colleagues in the sections of the LSE likely to have information relating to research grants for coal and tidal research...
Dear Ms Lock
I refer to your Freedom of Information request regarding coal and tidal research. The University of Stirling has no records of relevant r...
Dear Robyn Lock
This is a response to your request under the Freedom of Information Act, copied below. I can confirm that Birkbeck does not hold any r...
Dear Robyn,
Thank you for your email of 26 August 2015 requesting information on
research into tidal energy and coal extraction, combustion and...
Dear Ms Lock
Please find attached our response to your request.
Freedom of Information Officer
Leeds Trinity University
Brownberrie Lane...
Dear Ms Lock
I refer to my colleague Therese Kearns's acknowledgement dated 26 August
2015, of your FOI request below.
I have consulted colleagues a...
This person's 4 annotations
Speak to Andrew about the response, the may be a fee if a third party needs to be contacted...
Back in office on the 28th of August
Need to provide FULL name