This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 44)
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'It may help if I explain that section 97 of the Road Traffic Act (RTA...
Has this been before the Commissioner yet? If not, why not? 22 months is taking the mickey somewhat.
This is a message for ALL those who make FoIA requests regarding the organisation Common Purpose.
For too long Common Purpose has been using the same...
Just to update this:
Matthew Somerville has built a tool to add the locations of all the postboxes.
Dear Alison,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I was away on holiday.
The scans all appear to have turned out fine: thank you for your wo...
Response from ICO 4 Feb 2009:
I am writing in regards to a complaint that you have referred to the Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’). This co...
I think you would have a case to take this to the ICO.
Apart from breaching the statutory timescales for review, to say that for the exemption in sect...
Dear Mr Jackson
I apologise for the delay in collating these invoices. The invoices from
the early 2000s were processed before Islington Council c...
I've now fixed the code so it detects the file type and adds an appropriate extension (.doc in this case) automatically. I've also improved the renderi...
Dear Mr Jackson
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20081093
<<RFI20081093 - final response.pdf>>
<<Response to Internal Review 17877.PDF>>
Mr Jackson,
Please see attached our response to your recent request for an Internal
Dear Mr Jackson
Im sorry you didn't receive it I don't know what happened, hopefully this
will come through to you.
Let me know if there are any p...
Dear David,
Thank you very much for such a speedy response.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Jackson
With reference to your request received on 23 September 2008 about
complaints re FOI requests,...
Dear Mr Jackson
I am writing in connection with our email dated 18 September responding to
your request for information relating to requests to repr...
Thank you for your query. The relevant legislation is Regulation 7 of the
Local Government (Accounts and Audit) Regulations (Northern Irel...
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your two e-mails following my responses to your requests for
information about the use of pseudonyms and restrictions...
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your two e-mails following my responses to your requests for
information about the use of pseudonyms and restrictions...
Dear Mr Jackson
Please see attached response to your request for an internal appeal.
(See attached file: Appeal Response.doc)
Corporate Inf...
Our ref DV08C40
19 September 2008
Dear Mr Jackson
Freedom of Information Act 2000
I am writing to confirm that the Agency has now completed its...
There are (at least) two live internal reviews addressing this point:
Dear Mr Jackson
Thank you for your email dated 1 September asking for access under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (*FoI Act*) to:
**in 20...
Subject: F-2008-03909
September 11, 2008
Dear Mr. Jackson,
I would firstly like to apologise for the delay in r...
Dear Mr Jackson
Further to your email on 27 August 2008, please accept my apologies for
not providing the figures in the format you originally req...
Dear Angela,
Thank you for providing these letters as a PDF. This provides all the information I was seeking.
Yours sincerely,
This person's 9 annotations
You should certainly seek an internal review of this. You have no asked for any personal information at all that would be exempt under the DPA, but mer...
Response from ICO 4 Feb 2009:
I am writing in regards to a complaint that you have referred to the Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’). This co...
Well, apart from the procedural problems with their request (I believe that authorities should be able to handle requests even when people are on leave...
Normally a request for review should be handled by someone superior to the person who made the original reply, although I'm not sure if that's just goo...
This is a follow-up to
Follow-up request for unredacted copies made:
I would suggest asking for an internal review of this. The DPA exemption doesn't mean an authority can withhold absolutely everything just because it m...
Wow. That's quite an incredible response. Follow-up made to find out how/when this "not fit for purpose" database was created: