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Printed from on February 13, 2025 05:47
There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. Search for other users named "Richard Brown"
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 10)
Dear Richard
Please do not amend the subject line.
Please find the attached letter in response to your request for
Yours sincerely ...
Dear Richard,
Freedom of Information Act
I write further to your e-mail of 19th January 2024 regarding information
held by Suffolk and Nor...
Dear Richard Brown
Thank you for your request for information dated 19 January 2024. Your
request has been managed under the terms of the Freedo...
FOI Reference Number: 22240134
Dear Richard
Further to your request to NHS Herts & West Essex Intergrated Care Board
under the Freedom Of...
FOI Request: Remote or Online Sexual Health Testing Services
Our Reference Number: 2324414
Dear Mr Brown,
Further to your request under th...
Dear Mr Brown
Sexual Health services falls under the remit of the local authorities (public health tams). You would need to refer this request to Camb...
Dear Richard
Thank you for contacting BLMK ICB
BLMK ICB does not commission Sexual health services; this would be the
remit of Public Heal...
We are researching the use of online sexual health testing services. These services allow citizens concerned that they may have a sexually transmitted...
We are researching the use of online sexual health testing services. These services allow citizens concerned that they may have a sexually transmitted...
We are researching the use of online sexual health testing services. These services allow citizens concerned that they may have a sexually transmitted...
This person's annotations
None made.