This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 200)
Dear Rhi Storer
FOI Request Reference: 861A/23
Thank you for your request for information, received 24/5/2023
1. Ho...
Reference: FOI-475950461
Date of request: 04/01/2023
Title of request: Care Leavers
Information request:
Dear Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Counci...
Reference: FOI-488935911
Date of request: 20/02/2023
Title of request: Noise complaints in your local authority
Information request:
Dear Sandwell...
Dear Rhi Storer,
Following your FOI request being sent to service area who will answer your
questions, they have asked for a points to be clarifi...
Reference: FOI-491429882
Date of request: 27/02/2023
Title of request: Donations to Mayor's charities
Information request:
Under the Freedom of In...
Dear Ms Storer
FOI Request Reference: 57A/23
Thank you for your request for information, received 10^th January 2023
(and clarification of...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of West Midlands Fire Servi...
Information request
Our reference: 49685909
Your reference: [FOI #932794 email]
Reference: FOI-477139539
Date of request: 09/01/2023
Title of request: 15 minute care and call visits
Information request:
Dear Sandwell Metropoli...
Information request
Our reference: 9351664
Dear Rhi Storer
Information request
Our reference: 49685910
Your reference: [FOI #932797 email]
Information request
Our reference: 4361541
Dear Rhi Storer
Reference: FOI-475631701
Date of request: 03/01/2023
Title of request: Charity commission buildings
Information request:
Dear Sandwell Metropolita...
Information request
Our reference: 49573782
Your reference: [FOI #932442 email]
Reference: FOI-475640109
Date of request: 03/01/2023
Title of request: Stab vests in councils
Information request:
Dear Sandwell Metropolitan Boro...
Corporate Information Governance Team
3/5 St James’s Road, Dudley West Midlands. DY1 1HP
Tel: (01384) 815607 Fax: (01384) 815660...
Information request
Our reference: 49814939
Your reference: [FOI #934459 email]
Dear Ms Storer,
Please see the attached response to your Freedom of Information Request.
Kind Regards,
Gemma Bridgwater|Business Support O...
Reference: FOI-475608509
Date of request: 03/01/2023
Title of request: Kits at nightclubs in Sandwell
Information request:
Dear Sandwell Metropoli...
Dear Rhi Storer
You have contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel. We do not
hold the information that you have requested.
The Panel is...
Information request
Our reference: 49573781
Your reference: [FOI #932401 email]
Your case reference number is 216444
Dear Rhi
I write regarding your email to West Midlands Rail (WMR) which was passed
to Transport for West Mid...
Dear Rhi
Thank you for your email requesting information under the provisions of
the Freedom of Information Act. For ease of reference, I have set ou...
Information request
Our reference: 49573779
Your reference: [FOI #932390 email]
Good afternoon,
Your request appears to relate to Birmingham City Council and should be directed to them accordingly.
Should the enquiry be intended...
This person's annotations
None made.