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Printed from on January 17, 2025 20:27
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 10)
Information request
Our reference: 519134
9 JANUARY 2018
Joint Report from the Cabinet Member Health and Social C...
Dear Mr Bains
Please see attached response.
Yours sincerely
Gary Bowman
3738245 -634365 0 0 Mr Bains My Ref: Please ask for: Gary Bowman Email add...
Dear Ranjit Bains
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information FOI 16895
I am responding to your request for information h...
Dear - Ranjit Bains,
Information Request - FS-Case-52532448
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. In response to your
request I c...
Dear - Ranjit Bains,
Information Request - FS-Case-52530832
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. In response to your
request I c...
Ranjit, on my understanding it is very rare that a county court judge transfers possession proceedings to the high court. I believe such a decision is...
Information request
Our reference: 1080796
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Ranjit Bains
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information FOI 13508
I am responding to your request for infor...
Thank you for your message. I would like to know about your policy for bringing introductory tenancies to an end on account of rent arrears and due to...
Good Afternoon,
Please find attached response.
Thank you.
Kind Regards
Knowledge and Information Liaison Officer (KILO)
Midlands Regio...
This person's annotations
None made.