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Printed from on September 14, 2024 11:11
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 5)
Dear Mr Braithwaite
We apologise for the delay in responding to your enquiry regarding Section
106 agreement for 91 Bermuda Road, Moreton.
Dear Mr Braithwaite
Please accept our apologies for the delay in responding, this is due to a very high volume of enquiries that the service area is c...
Good Morning Mr Braithwaite
We have received your email below - please note we already have your request, sent in on 31/5 under [email address], it is...
Dear Mr Braithwaite
We acknowledge receipt of your recent email and your request for
information as to whether council tax has been paid in rela...
Dear Mr Braithwaite
Further to your recent Freedom of Information request, the Council can
advise that there is no valid business permit in plac...
This person's annotations
None made.