This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 94)
Dear Mr Allanach
Thank you for your email requesting information through the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please find the Trust’s formal respons...
Rugby Borough Council
Town Hall
Evreux Way
CV21 2RR
e-mail: [email address]
Dear Requester
Thank you for your recent request. Your resp...
My thanks to Zofia for a prompt response.
Yours sincerely,
R Allanach
Rugby Borough Council
Town Hall
Evreux Way
CV21 2RR
e-mail: [email address]
Dear Requester
Thank you for your recent request. Your respon...
Good afternoon Mr Allanach,
Our records show the response to your Freedom of Information request –
‘Cost of unbudgeted IT post’ - was sent on 30...
Official Sensitive
Information Rights Unit
PO Box 313
DA15 0HH
Email: [1][The Met request email]
[1]Logo for letterhead.png
Dear Mr Allanach,
Please find attached a letter in response to your FOI request of 11 March.
Dear Richard Allanach,
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request (reference FOI2021/23920).
Yours sincerely,...
Apologises for only getting back to you now following your request below, but I am sure you understand that the Department is receiving large...
Homes England sub-contract the publicity for their pre-application consultations but do not set standards for the information to be provided in these c...
The money was received in June 2019. None of it has been spent yet. It is planned to spend it on a site eight miles outside Rugby town.
Dear Richard Allanach
Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response
NOTE: Please do...
Sue Birch
Communications, Consultation & Information Officer
(01788) 533864
Sue Birch
Communications, Consultation & Information Officer
(01788) 533864
Information request
Our reference: 4893436
Dear Mr Allanach
Sue Birch
Communications, Consultation & Information Officer
(01788) 533864
Information request
Our reference: 4737988
Dear Mr Allanch
Information request
Our reference: 4641061
Dear Mr Allanach
Warwickshire County Council confirm they have been spending over one thousand pounds a week on temporary traffic lights in the "wrong" place on Dunchur...
Rugby Borough Council have confirmed that Warwickshire Wildlife Trust did not advise them to change their cutting regime for Shakespeare Gardens.
Dear Richard Allanach
Please find attached the response to your correspondence about Seaborne
Thank you,
Department for Transport
PO C...
Warwickshire County Council confirm they have not complied with a planning condition attached to one of their own applications.
Dear Mr Allanach,
Please find attached the response to your request for an internal review.
Tamara Gordon
Corporate an...
Information request
Our reference: 3592329
Dear Mr Allanach,
Two and a half months to answer a simple question. I do not suppose that anyone will be surprised to learn that the ESFA have not provided any staff t...
This person's 35 annotations
Homes England sub-contract the publicity for their pre-application consultations but do not set standards for the information to be provided in these c...
The money was received in June 2019. None of it has been spent yet. It is planned to spend it on a site eight miles outside Rugby town.
Warwickshire County Council confirm they have been spending over one thousand pounds a week on temporary traffic lights in the "wrong" place on Dunchur...
Rugby Borough Council have confirmed that Warwickshire Wildlife Trust did not advise them to change their cutting regime for Shakespeare Gardens.
Warwickshire County Council confirm they have not complied with a planning condition attached to one of their own applications.
Two and a half months to answer a simple question. I do not suppose that anyone will be surprised to learn that the ESFA have not provided any staff t...
WCC rejected my request because they said I could travel to Warwick and trawl through their files and look the information up.
Warwickshire County Council have provided all the information they held but this amounts to saying that they did not have the evidence which would have...
Warwickshire County Council say they hold no information on briefing the design team. In other words they have submitted a planning application for a m...
A strange initial response from WCC. If they are able to answer the question the answer must be recorded somewhere. Anyway the later e-mail said the re...
This is a very odd response. Rugby Borough Council say they do not hold this information as they were not the client for Atkins' design of the Homestea...
This information was first requested on 13 April and on 12 December I am still waiting for a proper response from the Education Funding Agency.
On 15 May Rugby Borough Council promised a response within 20 working days.
... as the end of September nears I am still waiting.
Another failure by Warwickshire County Council to meet the 20 day response time for a Freedom of Information Request. An internal review has been reque...
This simple request took two months to process by Warwickshire County Council but the eventual response contains a wealth of information. Any historian...
A fascinating response to the FoI. Apparently Warwickshire County Council can submit a planning application without reviewing any of the documents whic...
Interesting that the EFsA consider that a trust set up to run a school on a non-profit making basis should have a "commerical" interest and that furthe...
Warwickshire County Council confirm they make planning applications without checking to see whether the information in the planning application is trut...
The EFA did answer this but to find their answer you will have to look under my question to them about construction materials.
When Warwickshire County Council was "sharing" with the EFA details of the land they owned in the Rugby area that could be used for a school they manag...
Warwickshire County Council say the last time they had their traffic model checked was 2010. So the traffic model being used to support the Rugby Local...
A high quality response from Rugby Borough Council in terms of the information provided. The amount of progress being achieved in delivering affordable...
This is very worrying. Warwickshire County Council say that both the Gyratory (in Rugby) and the Dun Cow junction (in Dunchurch) are critically congest...
This is very worrying. Warwickshire County Council say they have not assessed the impact of all the new houses Rugby Borough Council are proposing to b...
Warwickshire County Council have not developed a sustainable transport policy to help Rugby Borough Council with their Local Plan. In March 2016 they s...