This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 98)
Dear Peter Brewster
Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Unit | Correspondence and Info...
Dear Peter Brewster,
Further to your email of 24 February 2024, please find attached herewith GLD’s response to your request for information.
Our Reference: FOI/2023/4841
Dear Peter
Thank you for your email requesting data pertaining to assaults broken
down by ethnicity
I a...
Well done Peter. You're more like an American than you know. I'm American and if you're feeling too much at the fringes in your own country, come over...
Information Rights Unit
PO Box 313
DA15 0HH
Email: [1][The Met request email]
Attn : Peter Brewster
Dear Mr Brewster
Thank you for your FOI request.
Unfortunately you have sent this to the wrong level of council - we are the l...
Dear Peter,
Please find attached our response to your latest email.
Kind regards,
Richard Webb
Civil Service Commission
G/08, 1 Hor...
Dear Mr Brewster,
Please find attached our response to your request for information, our reference EIR2021/18623.
If you have any queries about this...
Dear Mr Brewster,
Please be aware that we will now be handling your correspondence dated 3 August 2021 outside the provisions of the Freedom of Inform...
Dear Peter Brewster,
Please find attached Public Health England's response to your request.
Kind regards,
FOI Team
Public Accountability U...
Dear Mr Brewster,
RE: Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA)/Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)...
Dear Mr Brewster
Please find attached HM Treasury’s response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Unit | Corre...
Dear Peter Brewster,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 23 June
Your exact request was:
“Dear NHS England,
Dear Peter Brewster,
Thank you for your communications dated 29 June 2021.
NHS England has assessed your communication as a request under the Fre...
Dear Mr Brewster
Following my response dated 11 June 2021 relating to your request for
information – RFI 5528. I can confirm Natural England have...
Dear Peter Brewster,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Home Office
This is just nonsense, and supplied No answers to any of my questions at all, just quote...
Dear Peter Brewster,
Thank you for your communication dated 21 May 2021.
NHS England has assessed your communication as a request under the Freedom...
Dear Peter Brewster,
Thank you for your email of 21 May 2021 to Public Health England (PHE)
requesting information about deaths f...
Dear Prime Minister's Office,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal re...
Dear Mr Brewster
Please find attached HM Treasury’s response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Unit | C...
Please find attached the reply to your IR request
FOI Team
Room 405
70 Whitehall,
London, SW1A 2AS
E-mail -[1][...
Please find attached the reply to your FOI request
FOI Team
Room 405
70 Whitehall,
London, SW1A 2AS
E-mail -[1]...
The status of embassies and other diplomatic premises is governed by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), an international treaty to w...
Dear Peter Brewster,
Please find attached the response to your request of 16th February for
information on Concern over food shortages.
Yours sinc...
This person's 28 annotations
Thank you for this request very applicable to me at the moment :)
Good Luck ;)
Try MAgna Carta 1215, the other is the Act the Gov passed so they think they can bugger with it the magna carta is not an act (although they made one)...
Thank you lovely read and informative :)
There is a difference between legal and lawful legally you may be right but as this country is a common law state it is against our founding laws to ha...
The Norwegian Environmental Health minister confirmed it is going on in a public announcement, but claims it is not going on as much as most fear :)
Very cowardly not releasing the truth
Many thanks Becky, although you may be correct this government (UK) is being Extremely edgy about what defines the parameters of this question, when I...
Thank you Joy for the annotation,(cant get your supplied link to work?) very interesting, I am still trying to get a safety Data sheet for the substanc...
Yes read that and just another opinion, there is the matter that the magistrates courts run roughshod over constitutional law ( surely that is the basi...
People forget they are not our Masters they are our servants.
Given our proxy to act in our name so keeping information from us will open them to a ju...
Hi Peter you are correct he does have a duty of care to the people he represents, he only has the same powers we have, He represents us (or is meant to...
This is a deliberate attempt to keep us in the dark, we need action as soon as possible or we will be poisoned by our governments inaction
Fukishima is the worst man made disaster to date, and still nothing in the press and No action being taken by the UK Gov We The People are being left t...
Correct you are in your saying, now if they accepted the lawful situation yes I would leave them alone, but they do not, they Force and impose and brea...
fine I will comply but why the attitude and harassment by staff?
actually the Law is what we do believe in, Common Law, the established law of the land, The Law the Queen Swore an Oath to uphold and then sold us down...
It seems they have not been counting till this year, so far 2014, 14 people submitted the relevant document
Most info refused any views from anyone?...
Awfully sorry for my tone, tired and late it was, The Home office will know, as most Nouicor documents were sent to the Home office and I sent mine the...
What an idiot wasting time and Your money get a life numpty. valid request of the Home orifice as they have denied receiving ANY so they are lying as I...
Your office has replied to this on a previous occasion
sent to you in 2011 where you s...
Also How many names were on the Credit card list supplied by the usa of people accessing the paedo website???
AS you can see they do not want to even admit they have been served a Mandamus obliging them to issue currency based on the integrity of the people and...
All prosecutions were at one time taken out by the public its only now that the CPS take over issues So my friends take out private prosecutions for tr...
Here here, seconded, arrest the lot of them as they only have the powers we give them, Private prosecutions are the way forward in these matters so bit...