This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 66)
Dear Mr Chapman,
Thank you for contacting Medway Council.
I will pass your comments on to the relevant team. However to make a
comment on...
Dear Mr Chapman,
Thank you for your request below.
As the original freedom of information has now been closed, please could you submit a new enquiry....
Information request
Our reference: 40812565
Dear Mr Chapman
Dear Paul Chapman
A228 Roadworks over the past five years
Thank you for your information request dated 07/09/2023 regarding A228
Roadworks ove...
Our ref: 3000020127
Date: 15 June 2023
Re: Storm overflows
Dear Mr Chapman,
Thank you for your contact regarding storm...
Dear Paul Chapman
Road Works/ Closures on the A228
Thank you for your information request dated 8 June regarding Road Works/
Closures on the A...
Dear Paul
Thank you for your email received 13 February 2022
Please note that although we are answering your query from the Environmental Information...
Dear Mr Chapman,
Thank you for your email. As you are aware, Ofcom does not regulate Ebay and unfortunately we are unable to advise if and who might r...
I know this is a old post but this sort of thing is still going on, I passed my car test on January 25th 1996, I was disqualified twice for 6 months at...
Dear Mr Chapman
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Kind regards
Sarkis Armaghanian
OD SE Business Manag...
Dear Mr Chapman,
Thank you for your e-mail concerning your request for information. DVLA will now conduct an Internal Review on that response.
It is...
Dear Mr. Chapman,
Apologies, complaints procedures now attached.
Yours sincerely,
Roger Wilkin
Director of Highways, Transportation & Waste
Please find attached the reply to your FOI request
FOI Team
Room 405
70 Whitehall,
London, SW1A 2AS
E-mail -[1]...
Thank you for your email.
Please be assured that your enquiry is now with our Area 4 customer care
team for their action and response. We will provi...
Dear Mr Chapman
Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) 2000, relating to M20 footbridge....
Dear Mr Chapman,
Thank you for your email dated 12 October 2016 in which you have requested information relating to developments undertaken along Herm...
Thank you for your FOI request, unfortunately this should be
sent to Kent County Council who is the responsible
Authority for this matter.
I would say reasonably helpful. Of course your reply is written with a Conservative party bias, or rather with a big defensive shield up, in an attemp...
Head and brick wall springs to mind Paul. I'm hoping I don't need the wall when they reply to my FOI request.
Dear "No Reply @ Bristol"
By "20 days" do you actually mean "a day short of three weeks" or the "several months" that has elapsed since the last req...
Dear Mr Chapman
Please find response attached to your additional email of 414 October
Yours sincerely
Julie Heather
Dear Mr. Chapman,
I am writing in response to your request to the House of Lords.
As I explained in my e-mail of 28 April, information relating to th...
Many thanks for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Chapman
I apologise for not seeing any of these old replies, no idea why!
It is well known and obvious that Monsanto owns the US Government and will end up w...
Thanks for that information.
However, in light of the supposed £6m costs of the three police officers on rotation outside the Ecuadorian Embassy, and...
This person's 87 annotations
Not sure what the score was before, but at least for the last twelve years if you commit an offence within two years of passing your test and get six p...
It seems the only thing to do is threaten them with legal action at the very least, or play their game and deny their records are correct over and over...
It looks like British Tory justice is being done, as usual.
I think we can all see which way this will go. Discreetly forgotten, swept under the carpet with some sad comment like "Let's draw a line under this a...
What an interesting read this is. How to avoid giving out any information by clouding the issue, diverting the issue and point blank admitting that th...
All licences now show provisional entitlements as well as full entitlements. So your mother will alsi be entitled to drive an HGV, a trike, a pony and...
Setting a precedent - if I had to jump through hoops to do another test I would sue them to get my money back.
Excellent news!
Now we just have to worry about the other half a million people out there who don't know they've been screwed over yet!
Philip, honestly you cannot ride anything on the road on that licence, the A categories are provisional and must be validated by a CBT certificate at t...
No. Your provisional entitlements appear on your photocard now.
Also it helps to make people go round in circles and give up in the end.
You entrust your documents to an organisation who then destroy them, then la...
Keep pushing Shane, this rubbish service cannot be allowed to continue, and hiding behind a smokescreen of 'security' and the laughable 'data protectio...
I think we should know exactly what everyone does - whether by name or pseudonym - and determine how much training and experience these people have, be...
Are they sure those names were redacted?
Or maybe they just lost the list somewhere and are not entirely sure who actually works there and what they...
If they are honest, their sole job is to retain and store data safely and securely, and they fail dismally.
It's amusing that we have a thing called...
Sorry but if the Government Spokespaper the Daily Fail is getting involved, they will get nothing from me.
Jumping on the bandwagon years too late...
I'd like to know how many MPs and civil servants have also lost entitlements off their licences and had them reinstated without a lot of arguing and no...
The FB page in question will be up and running as soon as my latest 30-day ban is over :)
So instead of being able to look at the data they keep, they throw yet another stupid remark into the mix - now they have "you must have imagined doing...
I suspect they will fudge this answer and refuse to comply - probably citing the Data PROTECTION Act, something they break on a daily basis, being as t...
That is absolutely ridiculous!
I've got a page ready to be published but managed to cop a 30-day Facebook posting ban [not related to this!] so I can't do a single thing [at least no...
I wouldn't like to suggest that it was deliberate, but there does seem to be no duty of responsibility for the data that they destroy.
I am sure the...
I have another [ignored] FOI request aimed at the DoT rather than DVLA but they just pass the buck :/
Don't send the only copy you have!
In fact, anyone sending anything to DVLA should copy everything, or if the chance is there, claim you lost it...wo...