This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 177)
Dear Pamela
Please find attached response to your request for information.
Kind regards
Information Governance Assistant
Legal &...
Dear P Smith ,
Please find attached the response to your request of 17th December for
information on Meetings with the Canal and River Trust in 2024...
Dear Pamela
Please find attached response and attached documents in relation to your
request for information.
Kind regards
The refusal of Canal & River Trust to provide this information has now been referred to the Information Commissioner's Office.
Dear Pamela
Further to our previous response, I confirm that you were sent the
incorrect documents.
Please find the correct documents attached....
Dear P Smith,
Thank you for your email dated 04 November 2024 and your Freedom of
Information request.
As requested, please find attached the publ...
Dear P Smith
Please find attached response to your Internal review request.
Kind regards
Information Governance Assistant
Legal &...
Dear P Smith
Please find attached response to your Internal review request.
Kind regards
Information Governance Assistant
Legal &...
Dear P Smith,
Please see enclosed response to your FOIA/EIR request, please accept our
sincere apologies for the delay in sending.
We trust that w...
Dear P Smith,
Please find attached a response letter to your information request.
Kind Regards
J.Fellows CIPP/E
Dear P Smith,
With regards to your request, reference number NR360612.
Please find our response attached.
Kind regards,
Dear Pamela
Further to the below, I have decided to respond to this matter with an
update rather than deal with it as an internal review. This m...
Dear P Smith,
Ref: FOI 51-24
Please find attached a response to your information request.
Kind Regards
Good morning
Please find attached our response to the below.
Best wishes
S Raven
Information Governance Advisor
Legal & Gover...
Thank you for your patience with this request – please see response below:
Dear Ms Smith
Freedom of Information Request
To introduce...
Dear P Smith
Please find our response in this matter.
Best wishes
S Raven
Information Governance Advisor
Legal & Governan...
P. Smiths request -
Please provide the minutes of all discussions in 2022 and 2023 between CRT and DEFRA regarding the ONS Public Sector Classificatio...
Dear P Smith,
Please find attached a response letter to your information request.
Kind Regards
Information Go...
Dear P Smith,
Ref: FOI 62-23
Please find attached a response letter and associated files to your
information request.
Kind Regar...
Dear P Smith,
Ref: FOI 32-23
Please find attached a response letter to your freedom of information
Kind Regards
Dear P Smith,
Please find attached the maps that should have been included with your response email. Please accept our apologies that these...
Dear Paul
Thank you for your request for information of 11 January 2023 regarding
the Sheepwash Channel.
Your request was...
Dear P Smith
Please find a response to this request.
Best wishes
S Raven
Information Governance Assistant
Dear P Smith,
Please find attached response to your below internal review request.
J Orange
Information Governance Advisor
Legal & Go...
Funny that.. I have made several FOI request.. And that seems to be a generic response from CRT.. In fact the last time i had to get the info from the...
This person's 39 annotations
The refusal of Canal & River Trust to provide this information has now been referred to the Information Commissioner's Office.
Thank you for requesting this Gerald, the decision by CRT to stop publishing the winter stoppages as a database with all the information in one file is...
CRT has now (22nd April 2024) published the Trustees' Minutes for November 2023 and January 2024. However the dates of the forthcoming Trustees' meetin...
CRT has now (22nd April 2024) published the Trustees' Minutes for November 2023 and January 2024. However the dates of the forthcoming Trustees' meetin...
The boaters' rubbish bins and the water tap at Crofton on the Kennet and Avon Canal have been removed, probably during the winter works around 12 month...
That response is patently untrue, the Elsan disposal facility at Tyrley locks on the Shropshire Union canal has been closed for at least 12 months.
Although DEFRA has now released the agenda of the meeting in December 2017, this matter is still being dealt with by the Information Commissioner regar...
As DEFRA has not responded to the request for internal review, this has been referred to the Information Commissioner.
This has now been referred to the Information Commissioner.
Despite my internal review being upheld after a trip to the information commissioner, Canal & River Trust say they cannot find any information relating...
Research into the background to the British Waterways Act 1995 shows that the last prosecution was probably sometime in the early 1990s. Documents in t...
A report entitled 'P/08872 - EA Navigations Integration Progress Report 11 March 2013' (obtained by a Freedom of Information request via this web site)...
This request may provide some of the information
Information Commissioner's decision:
Reference: FER0629858
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EI...
Oxford City Council's failure to respond to my request for internal review has now been referred to the Information Commissioner.
Oxford City Council's failure to respond to my request for internal review has now been referred to the Information Commissioner.
The majority of Parish Councils aren't on What Do They Know's list, you will have to contact What Do They Know and ask for them to be added. Parish Co...
Some evidence of contacts between CRT and PCs here for example:
recent minutes of Tixall and Ingestre Parish Council
I notice that they refer to "Shoosmiths" and not to "our solicitors" suggesting that Shoosmiths are on a retainer and CRT do not anticipate using any o...
They are known to have used:
Wright Hassall
Bates, Wells and Braithwaite
there will be many others of course.
CRT has no procedure for informing a boater that they are no longer subject to the enforcement process. CRT/BW never have had such a procedure, even th...
In 2013 at least one boat that was someone's home was craned out of the water by CRT without CRT giving the occupant the opportunity to defend her/hims...
The average remuneration for the CEO of a charity is £53,000. The Charity Commission today said large salaries paid to charity staff could "bring the c...
You would find it useful to also ask CRT about the number of boats that were people's homes removed under s.8 of the 1983 British Waterways Act without...
The EA has released some more information, namely the minutes of closed meetings, and is collating other information which it says it will send shortly...