This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 40)
Apologies for the delay in replying. I was on annual leave and it has
taken me some time to catch pop with work.
Our most recent Report and Risk Asse...
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
In response to your FOI request dated 2 July 2018, this information is all in the public domain.
With best wishes,
Dear Sirs,
Please find attached the College's reply to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely,
Iris Burke
Bursary Manager
St John’s College
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act about the
College's guidelines on PREVENT.
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
Thank you for your email of 27 June 2018, which has been considered under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act
Please see below for our relevant gu...
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
Our Prevent Policies, as well as all other policies, are available on our
website at [1] They can...
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
Regarding your recent FoI request, I refer you to our website for the College policy at
Dear Enquirer
All the information you ask for is in the public domain, on the College
website. I attach links as follows:
Prevent Policy ...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please see attached.
Simon Costa
C. Simon A. Cost...
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
Further to your FOI request – please could I draw your attention to the
College’s Prevent Policy – available on the...
Thank you for your enquiry to Merton College.
I have attached a note relating to the College's PREVENT related
guidelines. I have also attached...
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
Documents attached.
These are the Action Plans, Policy and Risk Assessments which were reviewed by Finance Committee an...
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
Lincoln College’s policies relating to Prevent are set out on our
website: [1]
Dear Oxford Against Prevent,
Thank you for your message below.
Copies of Nuffield College’s policies and procedures (including those
relevant to Pr...
Keble's policies on IT, Information Security, Safeguarding and Freedom of Speech are accessible to the public from our website (from http://www.keble.o...
Please see where our college policies, including the policy on Prevent, are located.
We are currently working on our PREVENT policy, and so have no guidelines we can send you.
No risk assessments, safeguarding policies, IT policies or...
Dear "Oxford Against Prevent"
Our College policy on Prevent is at
Dear Frank Gargent,
Thank you very much. As ‘Oxford Against Prevent’ is the name of our organisation, we believe the request to be valid. We should n...
To whom it may concern,
The relevant documents are all in the public domain, please refer to the 'Non-Academic Policies and Procedures' tab on this pa...
I am away from the office, returning on Monday 2 July, and will reply to
your message as soon as I can on my return.
Best wishes.
I am out of the office until Monday 2nd July and therefore may not read
your message until then. If your enquiry is urgent please contact Karen
Dear St Stephen’s House, Oxford,
We are writing to make an open request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Informati...
I am very sorry to have missed your email. I am out of College on 29th
June, with no access to email. I will be back at my desk on Monday 2 July...
This person's annotations
None made.