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Printed from on February 08, 2025 09:32
This person's Freedom of Information request
Dear S Barber
Freedom of Information Reference: 08488FOI
Subject: Request for information regarding DCSF Guidance re Living and
Growing video...
This person's 4 annotations
Since they have declined to "publish" the remaining information, just ask again for them to send it to you electronically. (Under the FOI Act, much inf...
Dani -
So basically, it was just "clear" from the responses which respondents provided campaign-style responses?
Ok, try asking DCSF to provide...
Now that the internal review is complete, you could try making a meta-request (a request for info about the treatment of your earlier request).
Looks like DCSF may be interpreting "monitor" as "moderate." Try asking if DCSF "holds any communications, documents, or other information referencing...