This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 141)
Could you please send across your agency spend for the 2018/19 year
Yours faithfully,
Olivia Taylor
Dear Olivia,
Further to your freedom of information request for data on our college agency spend, please find attached a spreadsheet containing the in...
Dear Olivia
Please find attached the Agency expenditure breakdown as requested in your
freedom of Information request. Please note that this dat...
Dear Olivia Taylor,
Please see below in relation to your request:
Question 1
Total spend on agency staffing for the financial
year April...
Dear Olivia,
Further to your Freedom of Information request, please see below the answers to your queries:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the...
Thank you for your email sent to Stratford Upon Avon College on 18 July
2019 9:20. Stratford Upon Avon College merged with Solihull College and
Please can you provide me with the details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the financial year April 2018...
Your message to [South Staffordshire College request email] couldn't be delivered.
info wasn't found at
request-590283-a4da4. . ....
Dear South & City College Birmingham,
Please can you provide me with the details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency st...
Please can you provide me with the details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the financial year April 2018...
Thank you Olivia
I will pass this on to our FOI officer.
Kind regards
Fiona Singer |Personal Assistant to:
James Bagley (Principal)
Hamid Rava...
Please can you provide me with the details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the financial year April 2018...
Dear Sirs
Portland College is a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee. It is not a public body in the definition of the Freedom of Infor...
May I request the Agent spend for 2018/2019
Yours faithfully,
Olivia Taylor
Dear Olivia
Please find attached an updated response to your recent Freedom of
Information Request which now includes a breakdown of agency spen...
Dear Olivia
Please find attached the response from Burton and South Derbyshire College
to your freedom of information request.
Many thanks...
Dear Olivia,
Please note our response below to your Freedom of Information Request:
(i)Total spend on agency staffing for the financial yea...
Dear Olivia
Please see our response below.
SOCIAL CARE AND EDUCATION 14,389.05 Support Workers
Further to your request:
Please can you provide me with the details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the fin...
Dear Olivia
I am in receipt of your email dated 1 April 2019. Please find the College’s response below:
(i)Total spend on agency staffing for the fin...
Please see below the response to your FoI request.
Many thanks
Fiona Wrisberg | F & RD Manager
Boston College, Skirbeck Road, Boston, Lincs PE2...
Good morning
In response to your recent FOI request, please see below
Business and Finance Director
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please can you provide me with the details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the financial year April 2018 to...
Scott Doyle would like to recall the message, "Reply to FOI.".
Dear Ms Taylor
We extended the deadline of this request to 18th December.
I am pleased to be able to provide the information requested:
This person's annotations
None made.