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Printed from on February 17, 2025 03:30
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 11)
Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B
Information request
Our reference: 51810965
Your reference: [FOI #955661 email]
Dear Olivia Cooper,
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Reference – 14292152
We write further to your request for information under the Freedom of...
Response – FOI 20289
Dear Olivia,
Please see the attached response to your recent FOI Request.
Kind Regards
Sharon Jones
School Appe...
Information request
Our reference: 5446334
Your reference: [FOI #955663 email]
Dear Olivia Letza Cooper,
Please find attached our response...
Secure, simple and convenient
Dear Ms Letza cooper
Freedom of information request reference:FS-Case-492214222
On Thursday 02...
Information request
Our reference: 8780084
Dear Olivia Letza Coop...
Dear Ms Cooper
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 1st March 2023, for information about in relation to support provided under the...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please see the attached letter in response to your recent request for
If you have any queries, then please do not hes...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your recent request for information. In order for us to
process your request we are seeking clarification:
Good Afternoon Olivia,
Re: Freedom of Information Request MEL1FVYF6.
I refer to your request to the council received on 01/03/2023 for the
This person's annotations
None made.