There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. Search for other users named "nova"
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
The Royal Household is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Despite this "the Royal Household's policy is to provide information as freely as...
The Royal Household
A public authority in the UK
The Royal Household is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Despite this "the Royal Hous...
Dear Ms Mann,
Please see the attached letter regarding your request for an internal
Kind regards,
Zara Smart
PA to Sue Gray
Propriety & E...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
(See attached file: Nova Mann 150710.pdf)
Yours since...
Link: [1]File-List
8th July 2010
Case Reference Number FS50319918
Dear Sir/Madam
If you are having difficulty understanding from our webs...
Dear Ms Mann
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request about rural
postal routes in South Devon. Unfortunately we do not hold this
Dear Nova,
Thank you for your email of 8 March.
Firstly, I would like to apologise for the delay, as this was due to an
administrative error.
Dear Nova
Thank you for your email.
I can only reiterate that the OGC is unfortunately unable to assist with
this matter, we do not hold the infor...
This person's 2 annotations
I give up..................... this is absolote nonsense!!!
They're even pointing me to this question!!! When do we ever get an hone...