This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 47)
Good morning,
Please find attached the response to your FOI request.
Best Regards,
Public interest test in relation to section 22 Some...
Dear N. Narka
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 01/FO...
Kind Regards
A. McDonald | Public Access Officer
Joint Information Management Unit | Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary
& Thames Va...
Dear Ms Narka,
I write regarding your Freedom of Information Request to Dorset Police:
Please disclose whether there have been more antisem...
Official Sensitive
Your ref:
Our ref: 01/FOI/23/031868
Good afternoon
Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.
With kindest regards.
NPCC Free...
'9. Once a PNC record is deleted, is it stored anywhere or is it completely erased and as if it never existed?'
'The Police cannot view the r...
Good afternoon
Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information
request. With kindest regards.
Sherry Traqu...
Dear Nicola
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated the 18th June 2022 and received on the 20th June 2022 This is being dealt with und...
Dear Nicola Narka,
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request dated
07 June 2022 (our reference 70264).
Please n...
Good morning
Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.
With kindest regards.
Sherry Tra...
Good morning
Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.
With kindest regards.
Sherry Tra...
Dear Ms Narka,
Freedom of Information Request F22-302
Thank you for your request for information as copied below. You asked the
Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
foi-do-not-hold 220518001 response m hibberd 15-6-22.doc
Note: To prot...
Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
220517031 RESPONSE M HIBBERD 15-6-22.doc
Note: To protect against comp...
Your ref:
Our ref: 01/FOI/22/024773
Dear N Narka
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your email correspondence of 16/5/22.
We are not able to respond to your enquiry as this is not an immigration matter....
Dear Ms Narka,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request - ref 10570
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request
Rose Gaunt | Public Access Officer
Joint Information Management Unit | Hampshire Constabulary & Thames Valley
Address | Hampshire...
Dear Ms Narka,
Freedom of Information Request F22-258
Thank you for your request for information as copied below. You have asked
two q...
Dear Nicola Narka,
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request dated
12 May 2022 (our reference 69827).
Please no...
Dear Ms Narka,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request - ref 10571
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request....
Good morning,
Please find attached the NPCC response to your Freedom of Information
Kind regards
Fiona Greenlees
[1][email addres...
Dear Ms Narka
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 01/FOI/22/024243
Please see the attached in respect of your Freedom of Infor...
Kind Regards
Amy McDonald | Public Access Officer
Joint Information Management Unit | Hampshire Constabulary & Thames Valley
This person's 1 annotation
Please read my reference to Section 39 of the Police Act 1996 as Section 39A of the Police Act 1996.