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Printed from on February 17, 2025 20:09
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Dear Nick Caines
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on
21/06/2022 10:11 . You requested
“Dear Department fo...
Dear Nick Caines
Thank you for your email regarding your freedom of information request
reference FOI: 2022-0020835.
I have just sent you the inf...
Our Ref 2021-0036452
Thank you for your email dated 27 July about the school census. You wrote:
“Dear Department for Education,
Could I please re...
Dear Nick Caines
As requested, please find the attached information which I can release now
that the [1]Schools, pupils and their characteristic...
Dear Nick Caines,
Thank you for your request for information (FOI 2018-0043610), which was
received on 05/11/2018. You requested:
Please, can...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached response to your recent Freedom Of Information request to the Welsh Government.
Kind regards
Mattise Clarke
Thank you for your email dated 23 May about the school census. You wrote: "In response to a request dated 25 February 2016 and titled "School MIS Stati...
This person's annotations
None made.