This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 60)
Dear Sir or Madam
I refer to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am very sorry for the delay in responding to yo...
Dear Nic
I write in relation to my email of 15 September 2014 which advised you
that further information was required before we can process your...
Please see responses below to your FOI request
Kind Regards
Tara Davies
Information Manager
Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College
01273 859813...
Dear Nic
Further to my email earlier email please see below for replies to your
1. Staff training budget for 2014/15
2. B...
Dear Nic,
Good afternoon. Please find below the responses to your FOI questions below.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Sharon Hollingsworth
Clerk to...
Dear Nic
Please find below the information you requested
Staff training budget for 2014/15
Budget holder name and contact d...
Dear Blackpool Sixth Form College,
Please can you supply us with the following information:
1. Staff training budget for 2014/15 - £55,000
2. Budg...
Dear Nic,
Following your recent FoI request please find below responses that I can
provide at this time.
You will recall that on the 22^nd...
Please see responses below.
Kind regards
Helen Matthias | Administrator to the Executive Director - Students and
Bury College | Millen...
Dear Nic
Please see the answers to your enquiry below:
1. £100K
2.Simon O'Hear - Director of HR (08456 122 122)
3.3 December 2014; 13 February 2015;...
Message on behalf of Rachel Curry, Vice Principal (Planning and
Performance), Blackburn College.
Dear Nic,
Further to your FoI email dated...
Dear Nic
Please see our reply attached.
Ruth Reavley
Clerk to the Corporation Governors
Abingdon & Witney College
Abingdon Campus
Dear Nic
Please find attached our reply to your request.
Ruth Reavley
Clerk to the Corporation Governors
Abingdon & Witney College
Hello Nic,
Please see the information below. Due to staff leaving and on-going recruitment, budget holder names are not available.
Dear Nic
Please response to you FOI below.
1. Staff training budget for 2014/15 - £40,000
2. Budget holder name and contact details for staff develo...
Dear Nic,
Thank you for your e-mail of the 25 September 2014 requesting information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I can confirm th...
Our Ref: FOI/247/nic
2 October 2014
Dear Nic
Further to your Freedom of Information enquiry dated 15 September 2014
regarding the fo...
Please see the response to your queries below.
Robert – I have not answered question 8 as this is not an HR matter.
Kind regar...
Dear Nic,
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information Request.
Kind regards
Emma Walker
Quality Administrator
Dear Nic
Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”)
I write further to your email dated 9^th September 2014 which c...
CNC Message: Please consider the environment - Do you really need to print
this email?
Dear Nic
We have received your information request and provide you with the
following information:
1. (A)Staff training budget for 2014/15...
Dear Nic,
Further to your freedom of information request our response to your
questions are:
· Staff training budget for 2014/15...
Good Morning
In response to your request of 9th September:
1. Staff training budget for 2014/15: £30,000
2. Budget holder name and contact details fo...
Every year the Colleges allocate monies towards a central CPD budget and each year the budget has been reduced.
Usually 50% is given back to each of t...
This person's annotations
None made.