This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 200)
Dear Sir,
Please find attached a response to your FOI request of 4th February - we
have answered your FOI request in full.
Yours Sincerel...
Dear Mr Davies,
Please find a follow-up response to our response dated 27^th August 2021
and accompanying documentation in relation to your orig...
Dear Mr Davies
Please find attached correspondence in response to your request for an
internal review.
Yours sincerely
Alexandra Ell...
Dear Dr Davies,
I attach the University of Bath’s response to your Freedom of Information
Regards, John
Dear Mr Davies
Further to your recent request for information please see the attached
If you have any queries about this email,...
Dear Neil,
Thank you for your email requesting the following data:
Please send a copy of the USS independent report into Jane Hutton. This
Dear Mehwish,
Yes I am withdrawing the request. Thanks for your help with it.
Yours sincerely,
Neil Davies
Dear Neil ,
I write on behalf of the University of Leicester in response to your request, dated 27th September 2019 made under the provisions of the F...
You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 27/02/2019
Your request number is CRN00215290
Our reply to your request is attached.
This respon...
Dear Mr Davies
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FoIA) – request for information
Thank you for your request for information dated 5 March 20...
Dear Mr Davies,
Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 and the decision notice by the Information Commiss...
Dear Mr Davies
I refer to your original request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and your subsequent request for an int...
Dear Mr Davies,
Please find attached the University’s formal response to your recent
Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Davies,
Freedom of Information Request: (FOI18-52)
I refer to your Freedom of Information Request received on 1^st February.
We a...
Sent on behalf of the Bursar
Dear Mr Davies
We apologise for the delay in replying.
St Peter's College, Oxford did not submit a separ...
Dear Neil,
Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act.
We responded to your first questions as r...
Further to our responses to your request for information made under the
Freedom of Information Act we have been able to obtained a copy of our
Dear Mr Davies,
In response to your further query regarding the UK USS valuation
consultations, I can confirm that the Bursar responded on-line to th...
Dear Mr Davies
Please find attached Brasenose College's response to your recent FOI.
We apologise for the lateness of this reply.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Davies
Apologies for the unclear response, the School did not respond to the 2017 consultation.
Best wishes
Victoria Cranna
Archivist & Rec...
Dear Mr Davies
The College did not submit any responses to these consultations and thus
holds no information in relation to this request.
The foll...
Dear Mr Davies
Freedom of Information Act
Thank you for your email.
I have looked for a copy of any response to the 2017 and 2014 UUK...
Dear Dr Davies
Thank you for your request for copies of the University’s responses to the
2017 and 2014 UUK USS valuation consultations, which we...
This is an automated message sent to you by the Dropoff service.
Foi <[2][University of Southampton request email]> has dropped off...
Dear Mr Davies.
I, as Bursar, completed the online survey in September 2017 following a meeting with our College Officers to discuss our views.
This person's annotations
None made.