This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 27)
Dear Nath
Please find attached the BBC's response to your FOI Internal Review request.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights, BBC Legal
BC2A4, Broadcas...
Dear Nathan Gregory
I refer to your request for an internal review of the BBC's decision on your FOI request (ref: RFI20210123).
Please see attached...
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached our response to your request for information,
reference RFI20210126.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI2021...
Dear Nath
Apologies for the delay in responding to your internal review.
Please see attached the BBC's review of its decision.
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI2019...
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI2019...
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI2019...
Dear Mr Gregory
Thank you for your email.
Please note that the Adjudicators (known as the Traffic Penalty Tribunal) appointed under the powers in t...
Dear Mr Gregory
We are re-sending our response to your request for internal review, which we sent originally on 17 July 2018.
Many thanks
BBC Inform...
Dear Mr Gregory,
Following our previous email, please find the final group of disclosure
Yours sincerely
BBC Information Policy and C...
Dear Nathan
Thank you for your request for an internal review in relation to the handling of your freedom of information request reference FOI-01492;...
From internal review document: "I have reviewed the correspondence (between BBC and WDTK) and spoken to its author and I can confirm that...
Message sent on behalf of Jayne Hammond, Assistant Director (Legal and
Democratic Services)
Please find attached response and a copy of the Traf...
Dear Mr Gregory
Please find attached the final response to your request for information,
reference RFI20160006.
Kind regards
BBC Workpla...
Dear Mr Gregory
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20160007.
Kind regards
BBC Workplace and...
Please provide me with a copy of the Work Instruction Database held by the TVL Policy Team. This should not go over any limits as it is already compil...
Dear Nath,
Please find attached the response to your request for information, reference RFI20141344
Yours sincerely,
The Information Policy and Com...
Visible links
Dear Nathan,
Please find attached the response to your request for an internal review
of our response to RFI20120522, reference IR2012016.
Link: [1]File-List
Dear Mr Dowler
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20120521
Yours sincere...
<<RFI20101681 - final response.pdf>>
Dear Nath,
I refer to your request for information dated 20th December 2010 and now
attach our reply.
Dear Nath,
Thank you for your email below which was received 20 December 2010.
Please note that the attachments were separated into three bundles
Dear Nath
Please find attached our response following the recent internal review of
your request for information under the Freedom of Information Ac...
Dear Nath
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20101361
<<RFI20101361 - final response.pdf>>
Yours si...
This person's 4 annotations
This is the monthly report Capita have to send to the BBC with details of their performance, and covers all areas of what Capita is contracted to do.
This is a copy of the help script used by Customer Service Advisors when you call TV Licensing and speak to someone. It has all the information availa...
Expansion of a previous request, but to actually get the content of all the previous FOI requests. The BBC don't have a sufficient publication scheme...