This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 1600)
The council has provided all infoirmation held. Please close this request.
Is this a complete list of properties illegible for rates for that time period or is it actually EMPTY properties for the time specified? As I know of...
Dear Ms Davies
I acknowledge your request for information about Empty Commercial
Properties in the Bradford district. You will receive a full res...
Dear Ms Davies
Request for information under Freedom of Information Act
Thank you for your request for information regarding empty...
Dear Natalie
Please find attached the response to your request (FOIA 1578) and
associated spreadsheet.
Kind Regards
Janet Merritt
Our Ref: 00 716 130
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Re: Freedom of Information request
Thank you for your request for informat...
<<davis foi.xls>> <<sample FOI letter.doc>>
Dear Natalie
Please find attached the response to your FOI request
Jeni Barnes
Revenues and Benefits...
Dear Angela Milburn,
Any property that is assessed for business rates.
Yours sincerely,
Natalie Davis
<<foi 101000721110.xls>> Dear Natalie
Please find the additional information you requested attached
Catherine Greener
Catherine Greener F I...
Hammersmith & Fulham - Information request - Information Management Team
Our reference: 354125
Our Ref: F11/00239
Your Ref:
This matter is being dealt with by:-
Information and Records Officer
Telephone No: (01900) 702701
Fax No:...
Dear Ms Davis
Please accept my apologies that this reply was not sent within the expected timescale for a response.
As with other previous requests f...
Dear Ms Davis
Please see attached letter with regards to your request for information.
Yvonne Robinson
FOI Officer
Legal Services, Corb...
Dear Ms Davies
I refer to your freedom of information request below.
Due to limitations of our new computer system, I am currently unable to provide...
[1]Read this email online | [2]Forward to a friend
Summer 2011
Contact News into your Inbox from Braintree District Council
Dear ,
'Bee' Green- He...
Dear Ms Davis,
Attached is the Council's response to your FOI request. Please accept our
apologies for the delay in sending this to you.
Our software wasn't able to correctly display the file - I've manually extracted it and uploaded it here:
*** Before reading or acting on this e-mail, or opening any attachment, please read Derby City Council's disclaimer and confidentiality statement at th...
Dear Ms Davis
I refer to your request below. I can give you the following information.
The Council is unable to provide you with the requested inform...
Dear Ms Davis,
With reference to your additional enquiry to the one you made on 26 May
2011, please find attached information.
<<(OCE051159 - N Da...
Please find attached the information required by your FOI request.
Where this contained information covered by the Data protection Act this
has be...
After some persuading, I have managed to get the council to release a non-password protected version of the data file in response to the following requ...
Please see attached details as requested. Unfortunately, I've not been
receiving your requests.
Richard Horton Â
Dear Natalie Davis
Ref FOI2011226
Thank you for your email dated 25 May 2011 requesting information under
the terms of the Freedom of Information...
The WhatDoTheyKnow software seems to have had difficulty understanding the name and content type of the second attachment to the message above. If you...
This person's annotations
None made.