There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. Search for other users named "Mx Atia"
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 10)
Please find attached Pembroke's response to your recent FOI request
Dr Becky Coombs
College Registrar
Pembroke College
01223 338112
Dear Mx Atia,
This is in reply to your enquiry received by the College on Sept 14th 2023 and made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). I...
Dear Mx Atia,
Thank you for your patience while the Admissions Department compiled the figures you requested.
These are contained within the excel spr...
Dear Mx Atia
I refer to your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
regarding offers to applicants from Eton College.
Dear Mx
Further to your recent FOI request, please see our response below.
Dr Simon Brockington
Bursar (he/him)
Homerton College, H...
Dear Mx Atia,
I write to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request dated 14 September 2023. The answer to your questions are below be...
Dear Mx,
I am writing to respond to your Freedom of Information request regarding
data held by the College.
The answers to your query ar...
To Mx Atia
By email [1][FOI #1027113 email]
Dear Mx Atia
Our ref: f2023-040 Eton undergraduate applications in all subjects.
Dear Mx Atia,
Thank you for your request.
This is a very small number, so we will be unable to comply with your exact request under Section 40 as to...
Dear Mx Atia
In answer to your questions:
1) None
2) None
Best wishes
Christopher Lawrence
Newnham College
Sidgwick Aven...
This person's annotations
None made.