This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 35)
Dear Miss Lawson
Please see the attached response to your freedom of information request.
Yours sincerely
His Majesty’s Passport Office
Dear Ms. S,
At the FCA we’re always looking at ways to add value to the service
we deliver.
You were recently in touch with a member of ou...
Dear Ms Lawson
Please see the attached response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
HM Passport Office
From: FOI <[email address]>
Dear Ms Lawson
Please see the attached response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
HM Passport Office
From: FOI <[email address]>
Information request
Our reference: 13181413
Your reference: [FOI #931998 email]
Dear Ms Lawson
Please view attached OPG’s response to your information request.
Kind Regards
Mohammed Ghani...
Dear FOI Team,
It is a shame that the ONS knows that they have not received 6 births statistical data via the RON system, and has not done anything t...
Dear Ms Lawson,
Your internal review has already been considered and concluded. If you still remain dissatisfied, the next stage is to complain to the...
Dear NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),
Miss Shirley Lawson
Yours sincerely,
Ms. S
Dear Ms S Lawson
Please see the attached response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
Her Majesty’s Passport Office
Freedom of Informat...
Dear Ms S Lawson
Please see the attached response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
Her Majesty’s Passport Office
From: FOI <[email...
Dear Miss Lawson
Thank you for your email. I confirm that our response dated 21 December 2021 answered your enquiry. I have attached a copy of our res...
Dear Ms Lawson,
Please see the attached in relation to your request for an internal review
in response to your Freedom of Information request.
Our Reference: FOI/2021/3185
Dear S Lawson,
Thank you for your email requesting data pertaining to Birth records
received via the RON to t...
Dear Miss Lawson
Please find attached our response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
Her Majesty’s Passport Office
From: FOI <[email...
Provide your email address for FOI?
Yours faithfully,
Ms. S
Dear Mohammed Baksh,
You have stated that you do not hold the information but police have claimed that Harrow council have allowed police to run a po...
Dear Miss Lawson
Further to your email below, please find attached our response to your
information request.
Yours sincerely
Her Majesty’s Passp...
If your enquiry falls within the remit of a Freedom of Information request
Her Majesty’s Passport Office will send you an acknowledgement within the...
I don't like the BBC, but this is a bone request.
TV licence legislation only applies in the UK, NI, CI and IoM - it does not apply anywhere else. Tha...
Dear Ms Lawson
[1][FOI #769094 email]
Please see responses below in relation to the questions you have raised –
the response has been brok...
Dear Ms Lawson
The birth registration page is the original registration and the certificate is a certified copy of the information recorded in the reg...
Dear Mrs S
Thank you for your email of 24 March.
Your request has been answered outside of the Freedom of Information Act
2000 but this...
Dear Jackson Diane,
It has been several months since the request was sent to the GRO and you haven't responded to my reply.
Yours sincerely,
I have removed an annotation or annotation(s) from this thread at the request of the user concerned.
Doug - volunteer,
This person's 17 annotations
The format of the birth certificate has not changed but the way data is processed has changed over 10 years ago
If all birth certificates are completed and captured via the RON system, then t any reproductions would be the orginal regardless of the registry offic...
The GRO doesn't care about accuracy, they only care about 'doing their job'. They don't even know how to use the RON system and having been using two...
Just read the response from the ICO, very interesting! As far the electronic versions of the specimen certificates, the computer layout can be found ht...
I 'm not sure if this could be the reason why there are two languages on the Certificate of birth - the New Oxford Style Manual and the second being Am...
As birth records are not public records (public records act 1958- sch.1 (2) (b)) and you obviously didn't give permission for your birth certificate be...
You might find this link useful
Birth certificates are used as a form of I.D but can't be accepted as I.D unless S. 34 of the BADA 1953 is complied with, the statue makes it a legal d...
Technically the RON system that is used to issue birth certificates wouldn't issue the birth birth certificate with the surname HILL YEMM, as it would...
From your FOI, I assume that the birth certificate was sent to certified as true copy as a form of I.D, officials only keep a birth certificate when it...
If you are querying the authenticity of the birth certificate, you should photocopy it!
There is no manual style in terms of handwriting a birth certificate this has been replaced with the RON system
I wonder if these further controls that are been put in place are on the Registrar's or the computer used (RON system)?
According to S. 34 (5) there should be no changes to the substance of the birth certificate, i.e. your signature.
Before the RON system, every copy...
This may be useful
Correction to question 5
replace Data Protection Act 2018 with GDPR
5) Due to the GDPR 2018, how has birth certificates been processed fairly in rel...