This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 98)
Dear Miss Cullum
Thank you for your email of 16 February 2011, your request has been
handled under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2...
Dear Ms Blackmann
Thank you for your request for information about the Civil Procedure Rule Committee. The Committee does not have a budget, except on...
I have attached the formal reply to your request.
Martin Gegg
Head of HR Engagement & Capability
Corporate Services Group
4th Floor Kirk...
Dear Ms Blackmann,
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000:
Thank you for your FOI request which was rece...
<<Reply to Ms Blackmann.doc>>
Dear Ms Blackmann
Please see the attached reply to your email of 10 February. I apologise
for the delay. This was du...
Dear Ms Blackmann
With regards to your request, reference number NRFEB89
We have been informed that we pay no monies to any Trades Unions.
<<RFI20110181 - final response.pdf>> <<RFI20110181 - Disclosure Document -
Trade Union Payments.pdf>>
Dear Ms Blackmann,
I refer to your request f...
Dear J. Blackmann
Thanks for your request under the Freedom of Information act.
I can confirm that the School holds no such information.
If you th...
Dear Ms Blackman,
I attach a copy of our response to your request.
Kindly confirm the address to which the original letter should be sent. ...
Dear Ms Blackman,
Please find attached our response to your recent request for information.
Sarah Waterfield
Lead Advi...
REF: 11/0234
Dear Ms Blackmann
Please see the attached response to your FOI request concerning trade
union funding.
Kind Regards
D. Rowland
Dear Ms Blackmann
Please see the attached letter sent in response to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Kind regards...
Our Ref: FOI/2011/13
Dear Ms. Blackmann,
Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, which we r...
Dear Ms Blackmann
Please find attached a response to your request under the Freedom of
Information Act in PDF format.
If you have any difficulties ac...
Dear Ms Blackmann
[1][email address]
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request
Yours sincerely
Diane Brown
Dear Ms Blackman
Further to your email asking for data under the Freedom of Information
Act, please find the answers for LBRO below.
Kind rega...
Dear Ms Blackmann,
Please see the attached response to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Angela Craig
Information Rights Advisor
Legal Servic...
Dear Ms Blackmann
Please find attached the Home Office response to your request for
information case 17732.
Many Thanks
Martin Riddle |...
Dear Ms Blackman
Please find attached DFID's response to your Freedom of Information
request of 10 February 2011 on the subject of Trade Unions.
Dear Ms Blackmann,
Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request of
10 February 2011.
Kind regards,
UK Anti-Dopin...
Dear Ms Blackmann
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, please find attached our response to your request...
Dear Ms Blackmann
Please find attached our response to your FOI request.
Your reference number is FOI002-0027.
Yours sincerely
Punim An...
Ref No: 11/0294
8 March 2011
Dear Ms Blackmann,
Thank you for your email of 10 February 2011 where you requested
information about British Nucle...
Dear Ms. Blackmann,
Please find attached letter in response to your Freedom of Information
Kind regards,
Sian Dixon
Dear Ms Blackman,
Please find our response to your recent request made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
Martin Root
(See attache...
This person's annotations
None made.