This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 26)
Dear Mrs White,
Thank you for your recent request for information. Please find enclosed
the information you are entitled to receive under the (l...
Clare White
Dear Clare White,
Freedom Of Information Act 2000 - Information Request 8234
Your request for inform...
Dear Clare Ingram
I am writing in respect of your enquiry for information under the
provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Attached is...
Re: Freedom of Information request
Thank you for your request for information received on 10^^th September
Your request is being handled und...
Dear Mrs White,
Further to your recent FOI request, reference FOI/2013/0700, please see the attached spreadsheet.
Kind regards,
Rachel Young (nee Vi...
Request for Information RFI 5756 - Charitable Rate Relief
Thank you for your request for information received 10 September 2013.
In respons...
Dear Mrs White
Thank you for your request for information about relief given in respect
of NDR accounts. Please find attached a listing of here...
Good Afternoon
Thank you for your email dated 10th September 2013.
Accordingly please find attached a spreadsheet containing the
information you requ...
Dear Mrs White
Thank you for your request for information regarding
I can advise that the information requested is :-
Birkett Fencing Land Compound...
Our Ref: 00 812 197
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Re: Freedom of Information request
Thank you for your request for inf...
I confirm in accordance with Section 1(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information
Act that the Council holds the information you have requested.
Please see a...
Good Afternoon,
Further to your recent request for information please find a full response
provided within the attached letter and spreadsheet....
Dear Mrs C D White,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Information Request ref: RESFOI0502
I am writing with regards to your request for inf...
Please Ask For: Alison Sipson
Direct Line: 01246 242383
E-mail: [email address]
Date: 12th June 2012
Mrs C D White
[FOI #116850 email]
Dear Mrs White
Thank you for your request for information dated 23 May 2012.
Please find attached spreadsheet giving information you are seeking. Wh...
Dear Mrs White
Further to your request dated 23^rd May. Your email was forwarded to the
appropriate officer here at West Dorset District Counci...
I am writing in response to your recent FOI request and now attach a spreadsheet which I believe gives the information required.
If you are unhappy wi...
Dear Mrs White
Thank you for your information request dated 23 May 2012. Please find the information requested below. In accordance with guidance from...
Thank you for your email.
The information you have requested is as follows.
Cheltenham Sand & Gravel, Colletts Drive, Cheltenham, Glos GL51 8JQ -
Dear Mrs White
In your freedom of Information request received on 16th May 2012, you
asked for the following information:
.....The name and address o...
Dear Mrs White
Thank you for your enquiry with regards to a commercial land use survey.
Unfortunately we cannot give out names and addresses of...
Dear Mrs White,
J Mould, Cow Lane, Reading RG1 8AA - We believe the owners are Safe
Store Ltd at Key House, Cow Lane, Reading, RG1 8NA. We are not sur...
Dear Mrs White
Please see attached response.
Linda Ashmore | Democratic Services and FOI Officer
Amber Valley Borough Council
Town Hall,...
Dear Mrs White
Thank you for your e-mail of 16^th May 2012, request...
I am carrying out a commercial land use survey. I believe all the properties on the list below are used for commercial use. I need to ascertain the e...
This person's annotations
None made.