This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 900)
Dear A. Pearce,
Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay, this is due to
resources issues. We are currently reviewing outstanding request...
Dear A Pearce
Please accept our apologies for not having been able to provide you with a
response to your Freedom of Information request.
If y...
Dear A Pearce
Further to your email dated 19th December 2023,and with our apologies for
the delay, please find the Trust’s response below. You...
Dear A. Pearce,
Thank you for contacting Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act...
Dear A Pearce,
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request,
Our Reference 14410.
Surrey & Borders Partnership...
Good morning,
Our sincere apologies and during a recent audit we have identified that we may not have responded to this FOI request.
Could you please...
Good Afternoon A.Pearce
Sincere apologises for the delay.
Please find attached a response to your recently submitted Freedom of Information request t...
Dear A. Pearce
Please find enclosed herewith our response to your request for
information, made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Good afternoon,
Following work undertaken by WhatDoTheyKnow, they informed the council of
information in our original response to your FOI request t...
Dear A. Pearce,
We are writing to you in response to a Freedom of Information Request that
you submitted to the Council in July of last year. We...
Dear Mr Pearce
Freedom of Information Act 2000 request
Please find attached the Trust’s reply to your request for information.
Regards and best...
Dear Mr Stephens,
Further to previous communications in relation to your recent FOI request,
please now find attached an updated Trust response....
Response sent by email to: Mr Stephens Freedom of Information
<[FOI #1061470 email]> Officer
Dear Sir/ Madam
Please find the response to your FOI request attached
Many thanks,
DSP Team
University Hospitals of North Midla...
Our ref: FOI - 4484
Dear A Pearce,
Please see the attached response to your recent Freedom of Information request.
I hope that this information is u...
Dear A Pearce,
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request.
FOI Team
Chair: Colin Dennis
Prif Weithre...
Dear Mr Stephens
The Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is writing to respond
to your request, F23-10574, sent 19/12/2023.
Please se...
Dear Mr Stephens
With regard to your request for information, please see the attached
response letter.
Information governanc...
They have named no organisations , just stated they have LGBTQ networks and work with positive organisations.
Stated section 12 despite only 3 departments, namely lgbt network leads, HR and edi departments being requested
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find attached our response to your reques...
Dear Mx A Pearce
Apologies for the delay in responding to your FOI request. Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request....
Please see attached the response to your request.
Freedom of Information Co-ordinator
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Ref No FOI2023-682...
Dear Mr Stephens
Please find the attached response to your freedom of information request
and I would like to apologise for the lateness of this...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your request for information.
Please find attached our final response to your request; which has been
This person's 11 annotations
They have named no organisations , just stated they have LGBTQ networks and work with positive organisations.
Stated section 12 despite only 3 departments, namely lgbt network leads, HR and edi departments being requested
They State that their IT department cannot search for domain names. So connot provide the information requested
Unable to access response due to the need to generate a password via a s3cure link
Section 12 quoted. Reduced scope request sent.
States already available on the website
Referred to Staffordshire County council
Reasonably refused due to an earlier identical request, which is being responded to.