This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 237)
It may be beneficial for the author to re-request this information given the time elapsed and where Birmingham City Council failed to return the inform...
Dear Mr Ell
Please see attached.
Kind Regards
Information Governance Team
Governance and Partnerships | Blackpool Council |Number One| Bickerstaffe...
Dear Mr Ellis,
Apologies on the delay for this FOI and now the updated information has been received, the FOI confirmation letter is attached.
Dear Mr Ell
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 – FOIA7195
Thank you for your request which has been dealt with under the Freedom of
Dear Ross
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Information Request: Reference Number: CAS-48343-W5J1X4
Thank you for your request for information i...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease
of reference, and apologise for the delay in replying. I give below in
Dear Mr Ellis
Please see below
1. Current printing and photocopier contract details?
a. Photocopiers/MFD?s Contract in place with Canon
Dear Sir
Please see below the response to your request :
Please note we do not have a print room/reprographics and
Photocopiers/MFD’s and...
Our ref: 22720 Service: Corporate Information Governance
Team Direct Line: 01384 815607 Date: 13/03/2020
Mr Lauren Ballam...
Dear Mr Ell
Further to my email of 9 March 2020, please find attached full information
you requested.
Please accept my apologies for the delay...
[1]Eastleigh Borough Council
Dear Mr Ellis,
Please do not reply to this email.
Thank you for your request for information made under the Free...
Rhyddid Gwybodaeth / Freedom of Information
Dear Mr Ross Ellis,
Freedom of Information (ref 777)
Thank you for your recent request. Please see be...
Dear Mr Ellis
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act, please find at...
Dear Mr R Ell,
Apologies for the delay
Please find the answer to your request.
Kind regards
1. Current printing and photocopier contract d...
Dear Ross
I refer to your Freedom of Information request to which I am now in a position to respond on behalf of South Norfolk Council. My response is...
Good Afternoon Mr Ellis,
Please find attached the response to your FOI request
Sharon Chambers
Customer Information Advisor...
Dear Ross Ellis
Thank you for your recent request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. The answer to your question is as follo...
Dear Ross Ellis,
Thank you for your recent request for information relating to managed
print services which we received on 14/02/2020.
Dear Ross Ellis,
Your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 has been considered and a response is below:
We are a relativ...
Please see below response to your recent FOI.
Sent: 18 February 2020 13:18
To: Wyre Forest Freedom of Information
Subject: External Email :...
Dear R Ell
Thank you for your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I refer to your email sent to Adur & Worthing Council's tod...
Dear Mr Ellis
We are sorry that we have not been able to send you a response by the deadline.
I am investigating the matter with the relevant departm...
Please see below the response which was sent on 28th January, 2020.
Please see below the response which was sent on 28th January, 2020.
To Mr Ross Ellis
Please see attached FOI response to your request in February 2020.
FOI Request - HBC_FOI_20200200
Mark Roberts...
This person's annotations
None made.