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Printed from on February 07, 2025 17:50
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 4)
Dear Mr Hardwick
Further to your below email. The West Midlands Combined Authority do not
hold the information you request. Midland Metro is run by...
Reference number: FOI2020/00214
Dear Mr N Hardwick
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
If you have any querie...
Dear Mr Hardwick,
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards
Michael Cook
Mr Michael Cook | Correspon...
i have done a private survey in 2013 of ALL tube stations, and put all the accessibility information concerning steps, lifts and escalators int...
This person's 2 annotations
Paul, are you aware that recent versions of all working timetables are available on Network Rail's website.
Bernie, you asked whether they were a Stonewall Champion and they said they weren't, so how would they know the cost?