This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 200)
Here is your magic link:
If you're on a private device use this button
[1]remember me and collect safedrop!
This link is good until Thursday, 29 J...
Form Submission
Hello Miss Stokes,
Thank you for submitting your report to us and we can now advise that your
case has now been closed with the fo...
Information request
Our reference: 4192493
Dear Miss Stokes
Good morning
Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards.
Lisa Williams
Public Health Bus...
Dear Miss Stokes
Following your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please
find our response below in red ink.
1. What is the cu...
Dear Ms Stokes,
Thank you for contacting Medway Council. I apologise for the delay in
receiving your request. Please find attached.
Dear Miss Stokes
Thank you for your request for information received on 4 January 2023.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Dear Miss Stokes
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Reference 13894716
We write further to your request for information under the F...
FOI 9421703
Dear Miss Stokes,
I am writing in response to your request for information below.
We decline to provide this information as dis...
Corporate Information Governance Team
3/5 St James’s Road, Dudley West Midlands. DY1 1HP
Tel: (01384) 815607 Fax: (01384) 815660
Dear Miss Stokes
Thank you for your email. Please find attached the documents that were
embedded in the response. I apologise for any inconvenie...
Dear Miss Stokes
Further to your request for information, I can advise as below:
Question Response
Healthy Child Programme 0 -19, (0-25 wi...
Information request
Our reference: 13077674
Your reference: [FOI #929186 email]
Dear Requestor
Please find attached the response to your FOI Request.
Business and Executive Support Team
This document was classified as: OFFICIAL
Dear Miss Stokes,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Ref: 2091/2223
Thank you for your correspon...
Dear Miss Stokes
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 30 January
Link: [1]File-List
Dear Miss Stokes
FOI STOKES JXM4MQMTDW– Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
Subject: Healthy Child Programme 0-19, SEN...
Dear Miss Stokes
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Your request for information has now been considered and the information requested is below:
Information request
Our reference: 14074834
Dear Miss Stokes
Dear Miss Stokes
I write further to my email below to request an email address from you so I can share the attachments that accompany this response. M...
Dear Miss Stokes
Thank you for your email below, please now find attached the documents
omitted from my previous email.
Please accept my apologies...
Information request
Our reference: 16625349
Dear Miss Stokes
Information request
Our reference: 1244262
Your reference: [FOI #929201 email]
Freedom of Information Request
Reference: FOI 101006812299
Dear Applicant,
Please consider this as our formal response to your information request wh...
Dear Miss Stokes
We refer to your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Your request has been considered and...
This person's annotations
None made.